Daily Archives: October 22, 2010

Libra Full Moon

The Libra Full Moon arrives this evening. The Sun pro­vides the theme, and the Sun in Libra will make this a rev­e­la­tion about rela­tion­ships. This oppo­si­tion of Sun and Moon cre­ates an oppor­tu­ni­ty for each of us to exam­ine our rela­tion­ships more objectively.

The Moon being in Aries pro­vides the coun­ter­point of the kind of ener­gy, the kind of under­stand­ing, that we always need to improve our expe­ri­ence of rela­tion­ship. I like to call the expe­ri­ence of Aries as being the expres­sion of our “pres­ence” in life. Each of us is who we are, inter­nal­ly. But we present a dif­fer­ent aspect of our­selves to the var­i­ous types of peo­ple in our life. We present one kind of our self to our fam­i­ly, anoth­er to our friends, and anoth­er to our part­ner. We are always who we are, but we use these masks to bet­ter inter­face with the world around us.

The ques­tion then becomes, have we cre­at­ed the right masks, the right per­sonas, for each per­son or group of per­sons in our life? When we do, then oth­ers find our pres­ence welcoming…we nei­ther “come off” too strong nor too weak. We bring to bear the right ener­gy appro­pri­ate to each and every sit­u­a­tion. If a sit­u­a­tion seems over­ly ner­vous, we bring our calmer self to bear, and if a sit­u­a­tion seems a bit slow, we call upon our more live­li­er self to stim­u­late the experience.

The full Moon in Aries should be expe­ri­enced as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to exam­ine our masks and see whether or not we are reveal­ing our­selves tru­ly in our rela­tion­ships. Are we mak­ing the best pos­si­ble case for who we are, or is it appar­ent that there is some mis­un­der­stand­ing and we need to clar­i­fy our­selves to one another?

The full Moon says look at your rela­tion­ships and see whether you are present in them. Or are you try­ing to be some­thing for some­one, or they are for you, and that is why cir­cum­stances are com­ing to a point of stress now? Take a deep breath, and then look at your­self and see whether or not you like the rela­tion­ship you have.…with yourself.