Monthly Archives: November 2010

Mercury Sextiles Venus (December 1, 2010)

Com­mu­ni­cate your val­ues with grace and clar­i­ty. The abil­i­ty to con­vey your appre­ci­a­tion is well sup­port­ed now. With Mer­cury in Capri­corn, we are in a seri­ous frame of mind; and with Venus in Scor­pio, we are pas­sion­ate about our tastes.

Lov­ing thoughts are grace­ful­ly shared. Enjoy the beau­ti­ful with­in and with­out. Speak from your heart and cel­e­brate what is good. Remem­ber, the secret to hap­pi­ness is “to walk in beauty”.

Mercury Enters Capricorn (November 30, 2010)

Our minds turn to the prac­ti­cal now. Enough with the­o­ries and talk… what “works” is what counts. Log­ic reigns supreme. This is not the time for flights of fan­cy, you will only be dis­missed or ridiculed.

Instead, bring your ideas into sharp focus, mar­shal your facts, and demon­strate the prac­ti­cal val­ue of what you know. Some of the key words to use now are:

Respon­si­bil­i­ty, Tra­di­tion, Clas­si­cal and Duty.

This is a time to be seri­ous. Opin­ions do not count, we need proof. 

Mars Square Jupiter & Venus enters Scorpio (November 29, 2010)

Pas­sions run high­er and move deep­er today so be espe­cial­ly care­ful about what you do and how you express what you need. Anoth­er busy day with Mars Squar­ing Jupiter and Venus mov­ing into the sign of Scorpio.

Mars rules the desires and the actions we take to obtain them. Jupiter rules our prin­ci­ples which should guide our desires by defin­ing how we relate to our world. But with a square aspect mat­ters can be pushed to extremes. We might act too self­ish­ly or resort to play­ing the role of vic­tim to get our way.

Always with a square we are faced with a chal­lenge, we are chal­lenged by a choice. The wan­ing square says what we face is a chal­lenge to let go of an old way of meet­ing our desires. Jupiter in Pisces guides us to relate in a more com­pas­sion­ate and inclu­sive way. But Mars in Sagit­tar­ius believes it is “Right”, that it is act­ing with “Truth” on its side already. 

Even though we may be “right”, even though we might have “the law” on our side, Jupiter will ask us if we are mere­ly act­ing with­in the let­ter of the law (of life). Instead Jupiter will remind us that we must act in accord with the Spir­it of the Law instead. Right action is guid­ed and informed by com­pas­sion, kind­ness and forgiveness.

Venus mov­ing into Scor­pio shifts our sense of val­ue to a deep­er plane. We want to feel one with anoth­er. We want the pas­sion which comes from true union. But mov­ing clos­er to anoth­er involves risk. We must over­come our fear of rejec­tion and loss. To come togeth­er more close­ly requires trust and open­ness, but how do we do that? We must cre­ate a space of shared inti­ma­cy for us to meet in. It is a space that cel­e­brates our vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty as a tes­ta­ment to our strength not of our weakness.

With Venus in Scor­pio the joy of union is the prize we seek now.…to expe­ri­ence it requires us to bridge the mys­tery of our sep­a­ra­tion and dis­cov­er that we are one in spir­it. The illu­sion of the phys­i­cal body is sep­a­ra­tion. But we need to feel now the truth that we are con­nect­ed, that we are always part of a greater life. Put aside the fear of loss and walk the path of life.…together.


Mercury Sextile Neptune AND Mercury Square Uranus (November 27, 2010)

Sat­ur­day will be busy with not one but two Mer­cury aspects to guide and shape our expe­ri­ences. Our mind is both swoon­ing and jump­ing. Mer­cury Sex­tile Nep­tune pro­vides insight and com­pas­sion to our point of view. Mer­cury Square Uranus will present a chal­lenge to let go of an out­mod­ed way of thinking.

Ear­ly in the day, Mer­cury and Nep­tune com­bine to help fos­ter the expres­sion of our cre­ative and imag­i­na­tive mind. We speak of dreams and inspire one anoth­er by our cre­ative imagery. We find it easy to be appre­cia­tive of the beau­ty in and around us. This com­bi­na­tion of thought and intu­ition can pro­duce flash­es of insight about some mat­ter that we have been con­cerned with.

Lat­er that day, Mer­cury and Uranus form a square that lays down a chal­lenge. Patience will be a virtue here, as the excitabil­i­ty and eccen­tric­i­ty of Uranus can help us speak bril­liant­ly but with­out regard for the feel­ings of another.

Mer­cury and Uranus encour­age us to think “out­side the box”, so we could make progress if we har­ness this aspect and face the chal­lenge to break up old thought pat­terns in our­selves and for one another.

But we can go too far, and be seen as just stir­ring up con­tro­ver­sy for con­tro­ver­sy’s sake. We wish to demon­strate our inde­pen­dent mind, but we may do it with an over­ly stri­dent tone, our argu­ment could spin out of control.

Bril­liance is a won­der to behold, but we always should remem­ber that the advance­ment of true under­stand­ing requires mutu­al respect and tol­er­ance. We can­not be both “right” and “rigid”.

Con­scious­ness is the result of shared expe­ri­ence. We lift our think­ing by shar­ing our bril­liant thoughts with one anoth­er. We can only do that in a space that respects each indi­vid­u­al’s con­tri­bu­tion to the conversation.

Mercury Square Jupiter (November 25, 2010)

Watch what you say and be espe­cial­ly care­ful not to say too much.

When Mer­cury squares Jupiter, our thoughts and words can go too far, we may push beyond our nor­mal and rea­son­able thought bound­aries into an extreme posi­tion. We may end up hav­ing said too much as enthu­si­asm got the bet­ter of us.

With Mer­cury in Sagit­tar­ius we are pas­sion­ate about truth. But if we go too far, because some­thing is push­ing us, like the square aspect, we could slip into dogmatism.

Jupiter in Pisces is a reminder to con­sid­er that there are many real­i­ties, not just our own. But with Jupiter Squar­ing Mer­cury we could go beyond what we know and end up con­fus­ing our facts with our wish­es or fears. We may go beyond rea­son into fantasy.

Mer­cury squar­ing Jupiter requires us to try and rec­on­cile two approach­es in our way of think­ing. Mer­cury is “speak­ing” from the space of Sagit­tar­ius, that there is a “truth”, but Jupiter is “shap­ing” that voice from the posi­tion of Pisces, that there are many “real­i­ties” to consider.

What we need at this time is to lis­ten to Jupiter and bring more com­pas­sion into our think­ing and com­mu­ni­cat­ing. We might be “right” giv­en our point of view, giv­en our real­i­ty, but we have to con­sid­er that there is more than one “real­i­ty”.

If we real­ly want to com­mu­ni­cate, we have to try and under­stand where anoth­er per­son is com­ing from. We don’t have to agree with each oth­er, but we need to under­stand one another.