Daily Archives: November 3, 2010

Mercury Trine Jupiter (November 4, 2010)

Mer­cury trines Jupiter on Thurs­day. This means that we will find a bal­ance now between our mind and our prin­ci­ples, between our low­er mind and our high­er mind. Mer­cury rules the oper­a­tions of our intel­lect, our inquis­i­tive and crit­i­cal fac­ul­ties. Jupiter rules our belief sys­tems, the way we relate to the world and thus informs or cre­ates the frame­work that deter­mines what and how we think.

The trine aspect cre­ates a rela­tion­ship between these two func­tions that encour­ages a bal­anced inte­gra­tion of our beliefs, and a way of think­ing or com­mu­ni­cat­ing. We will find that our mean­ing and mes­sage are in har­mo­ny with­in and can find a bet­ter con­nec­tion to one anoth­er without.

With Mer­cury in Scor­pio, our minds are focused upon the issue of union, of how we can com­bine our dis­parate thoughts with oth­ers. Jupiter, shap­ing Mer­cury from Pisces, says the way to do this now is by the use of our great­est gift, the imag­i­na­tion. By hav­ing faith, com­pas­sion, and most impor­tant­ly imag­i­na­tion, we can sur­mount the dif­fer­ences, that can and do at times divide us one from another.

We need Jupiter to inspire us now to see the deep­er com­mon val­ues, the shared dreams and hopes, that can be a bridge over our dif­fer­ences. The mes­sage of this moment is to make use of this oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­nect or re-con­nect to one another.

We are remind­ed that the high­er truth that should guide our think­ing about one anoth­er is that we are all one with each oth­er in this life’s jour­ney. The great illu­sion we live in is our sep­a­rate­ness, the greater real­i­ty we actu­al­ly reside in is our one­ness in Spirit.