Daily Archives: November 17, 2010

Jupiter Direct & Venus Direct (November 18, 2010)

Thurs­day should prove to be a sig­nif­i­cant day since not one but two plan­ets change direc­tion, mov­ing from ret­ro­grade to for­ward motion. When­ev­er plan­ets change direc­tion, we feel a shift of ener­gy in our lives. So, hav­ing two shift on the same day should be inter­est­ing… and powerful.

Forty days ago we took a turn inward to reex­am­ine our val­ues when Venus went ret­ro­grade. As I point­ed out in my post on Octo­ber 28, the answer to our search for some new under­stand­ing with regard to our val­ues was released on that date, the mid­point of the Venus ret­ro­grade cycle. Now we need to take up the chal­lenge to renew our quest for beau­ty, grace and love as Venus moves direct. We have repaired and restored our per­son­al aes­thet­ic, now we must act on it.

Four months ago we began a jour­ney with­in to reex­am­ine our beliefs and prin­ci­ples when Jupiter turned ret­ro­grade. About 2 months ago, on Sep­tem­ber 21, we were giv­en an answer to our prayer for guid­ance dur­ing the align­ment of Jupiter with the Sun. Now we have to move for­ward and become the truth we wish to expe­ri­ence. We have ques­tioned and sought under­stand­ing as regards our moti­va­tions, truths and aims. Now we need to expand out­ward with a new­found enthu­si­asm for the next part of our journey.