Daily Archives: November 18, 2010

Sun Trine Uranus (November 18–19, 2010)

The Sun trines Uranus today, a pos­i­tive push from the plan­et of inven­tion, inge­nu­ity and inde­pen­dence. Their last aspect was the oppo­si­tion on Sep­tem­ber 2 at which time we felt the ten­sion between our need for Free­dom and Inde­pen­dence (Uranus) ver­sus our need to be Loved and Appre­ci­at­ed (Sun).

Today we will find our­selves in a “sweet spot”, where we can rea­son­ably stretch our expres­sion and show how we are dif­fer­ent or unique, with­out los­ing the respect of those that mat­ter to us. We can reveal a lit­tle more of our true self and be assured that it will be met with applause instead of shock.