Daily Archives: November 24, 2010

Mercury Square Jupiter (November 25, 2010)

Watch what you say and be espe­cial­ly care­ful not to say too much.

When Mer­cury squares Jupiter, our thoughts and words can go too far, we may push beyond our nor­mal and rea­son­able thought bound­aries into an extreme posi­tion. We may end up hav­ing said too much as enthu­si­asm got the bet­ter of us.

With Mer­cury in Sagit­tar­ius we are pas­sion­ate about truth. But if we go too far, because some­thing is push­ing us, like the square aspect, we could slip into dogmatism.

Jupiter in Pisces is a reminder to con­sid­er that there are many real­i­ties, not just our own. But with Jupiter Squar­ing Mer­cury we could go beyond what we know and end up con­fus­ing our facts with our wish­es or fears. We may go beyond rea­son into fantasy.

Mer­cury squar­ing Jupiter requires us to try and rec­on­cile two approach­es in our way of think­ing. Mer­cury is “speak­ing” from the space of Sagit­tar­ius, that there is a “truth”, but Jupiter is “shap­ing” that voice from the posi­tion of Pisces, that there are many “real­i­ties” to consider.

What we need at this time is to lis­ten to Jupiter and bring more com­pas­sion into our think­ing and com­mu­ni­cat­ing. We might be “right” giv­en our point of view, giv­en our real­i­ty, but we have to con­sid­er that there is more than one “real­i­ty”.

If we real­ly want to com­mu­ni­cate, we have to try and under­stand where anoth­er per­son is com­ing from. We don’t have to agree with each oth­er, but we need to under­stand one another.