Daily Archives: November 26, 2010

Mercury Sextile Neptune AND Mercury Square Uranus (November 27, 2010)

Sat­ur­day will be busy with not one but two Mer­cury aspects to guide and shape our expe­ri­ences. Our mind is both swoon­ing and jump­ing. Mer­cury Sex­tile Nep­tune pro­vides insight and com­pas­sion to our point of view. Mer­cury Square Uranus will present a chal­lenge to let go of an out­mod­ed way of thinking.

Ear­ly in the day, Mer­cury and Nep­tune com­bine to help fos­ter the expres­sion of our cre­ative and imag­i­na­tive mind. We speak of dreams and inspire one anoth­er by our cre­ative imagery. We find it easy to be appre­cia­tive of the beau­ty in and around us. This com­bi­na­tion of thought and intu­ition can pro­duce flash­es of insight about some mat­ter that we have been con­cerned with.

Lat­er that day, Mer­cury and Uranus form a square that lays down a chal­lenge. Patience will be a virtue here, as the excitabil­i­ty and eccen­tric­i­ty of Uranus can help us speak bril­liant­ly but with­out regard for the feel­ings of another.

Mer­cury and Uranus encour­age us to think “out­side the box”, so we could make progress if we har­ness this aspect and face the chal­lenge to break up old thought pat­terns in our­selves and for one another.

But we can go too far, and be seen as just stir­ring up con­tro­ver­sy for con­tro­ver­sy’s sake. We wish to demon­strate our inde­pen­dent mind, but we may do it with an over­ly stri­dent tone, our argu­ment could spin out of control.

Bril­liance is a won­der to behold, but we always should remem­ber that the advance­ment of true under­stand­ing requires mutu­al respect and tol­er­ance. We can­not be both “right” and “rigid”.

Con­scious­ness is the result of shared expe­ri­ence. We lift our think­ing by shar­ing our bril­liant thoughts with one anoth­er. We can only do that in a space that respects each indi­vid­u­al’s con­tri­bu­tion to the conversation.