Daily Archives: November 28, 2010

Mars Square Jupiter & Venus enters Scorpio (November 29, 2010)

Pas­sions run high­er and move deep­er today so be espe­cial­ly care­ful about what you do and how you express what you need. Anoth­er busy day with Mars Squar­ing Jupiter and Venus mov­ing into the sign of Scorpio.

Mars rules the desires and the actions we take to obtain them. Jupiter rules our prin­ci­ples which should guide our desires by defin­ing how we relate to our world. But with a square aspect mat­ters can be pushed to extremes. We might act too self­ish­ly or resort to play­ing the role of vic­tim to get our way.

Always with a square we are faced with a chal­lenge, we are chal­lenged by a choice. The wan­ing square says what we face is a chal­lenge to let go of an old way of meet­ing our desires. Jupiter in Pisces guides us to relate in a more com­pas­sion­ate and inclu­sive way. But Mars in Sagit­tar­ius believes it is “Right”, that it is act­ing with “Truth” on its side already. 

Even though we may be “right”, even though we might have “the law” on our side, Jupiter will ask us if we are mere­ly act­ing with­in the let­ter of the law (of life). Instead Jupiter will remind us that we must act in accord with the Spir­it of the Law instead. Right action is guid­ed and informed by com­pas­sion, kind­ness and forgiveness.

Venus mov­ing into Scor­pio shifts our sense of val­ue to a deep­er plane. We want to feel one with anoth­er. We want the pas­sion which comes from true union. But mov­ing clos­er to anoth­er involves risk. We must over­come our fear of rejec­tion and loss. To come togeth­er more close­ly requires trust and open­ness, but how do we do that? We must cre­ate a space of shared inti­ma­cy for us to meet in. It is a space that cel­e­brates our vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty as a tes­ta­ment to our strength not of our weakness.

With Venus in Scor­pio the joy of union is the prize we seek now.…to expe­ri­ence it requires us to bridge the mys­tery of our sep­a­ra­tion and dis­cov­er that we are one in spir­it. The illu­sion of the phys­i­cal body is sep­a­ra­tion. But we need to feel now the truth that we are con­nect­ed, that we are always part of a greater life. Put aside the fear of loss and walk the path of life.…together.