Monthly Archives: November 2010

The Sun enters Sagittarius (November 22, 2010)

The Sun moves into Sagit­tar­ius today as we turn from our expe­ri­ence of how we feel about the mys­ter­ies of life to our need to explain and share our under­stand­ing with one another.

The “Archer” asks each of us to take up this task now, the task of truth. We have all had bestowed upon us by fam­i­ly, friends and ear­ly edu­ca­tion our basic life prism, the lens through which we view our expe­ri­ence of the world. But as we go out and expe­ri­ence a larg­er life, we often find the need to refine, expand or even reject those first explanations.

We must then take up the task of the seek­er, the seek­er of truth. Hope­ful­ly, we real­ize, soon­er than lat­er, that this task, this jour­ney, will not, must not end. The growth of under­stand­ing is accom­plished through the expe­ri­ence of revelation.

But rev­e­la­tion does not mean that all is revealed, rather the mys­ter­ies of life are re-veiled. We get clos­er to truth, more com­pre­hen­sive and inclu­sive in our under­stand­ing, but always between us and the truth remain oth­er veils to pass through. That is why the fun­da­men­tal spir­i­tu­al injunc­tion we must obey is “walk on”. 

Scorpio Full Moon (November 21, 2010)

The Sun in Scor­pio and the Moon in Tau­rus come to their oppo­si­tion today. Their jux­ta­po­si­tion speaks to the ten­sion­al truth between Ever­last­ing Val­ue and the Imper­ma­nence of the phys­i­cal world.

We find beau­ty in so many forms, in a sun­rise or sun­set, in the scent of a mead­ow or at the seashore, the twin­kle in some­one’s eye or the touch of their hand. Yet, we all know that all these beau­ties are only for a time…and then they are gone. We want the good to last for­ev­er, but every­thing must pass away…so that it can come again… and pass away, so that it may come back again.

So, it is at this time of year, when all of nature is turn­ing inward, drop­ping her fruits and seeds into the earth…when the days are grow­ing short­er and the light is fading…It is now that we face our mor­tal­i­ty, and our eter­ni­ty in spir­it. We have the gift of self-aware­ness and we know what is coming.…Winter is coming.

Here at the Full Moon of Scor­pio we cel­e­brate the truth that all things must pass so that new things may come forth. It has always been so…it will always be so.


Mercury Conjunct Mars (November 20, 2010)

Mer­cury aligns with Mars today so watch out for quick thoughts and words.…We might need to slow things down, to pause and reflect, rather than jump to con­clu­sions or to speak too hastily.

Mer­cury rules thoughts and com­mu­ni­ca­tions. Mars rules desires and actions. Their com­bi­na­tion encour­ages us to speak about our desires and to act upon our ideas. We are eager to con­tribute to the con­ver­sa­tion, our thoughts come fast and furi­ous. But that means we can more eas­i­ly say too much and/or not lis­ten enough. 

All forms of com­mu­ni­ca­tion are sped up. But, we must be care­ful not to be so quick, and seem­ing­ly “intel­li­gent”, that we lose the bal­ance that comes with giv­ing some time for reflection.

Some­times quick­ness wins, but being thor­ough and steady is a truer sign of intel­li­gence. We must also remem­ber that our minds require mutu­al stim­u­la­tion for true growth. There­fore, we must make an even greater effort now to lis­ten to one another.

Sun Trine Uranus (November 18–19, 2010)

The Sun trines Uranus today, a pos­i­tive push from the plan­et of inven­tion, inge­nu­ity and inde­pen­dence. Their last aspect was the oppo­si­tion on Sep­tem­ber 2 at which time we felt the ten­sion between our need for Free­dom and Inde­pen­dence (Uranus) ver­sus our need to be Loved and Appre­ci­at­ed (Sun).

Today we will find our­selves in a “sweet spot”, where we can rea­son­ably stretch our expres­sion and show how we are dif­fer­ent or unique, with­out los­ing the respect of those that mat­ter to us. We can reveal a lit­tle more of our true self and be assured that it will be met with applause instead of shock.

Jupiter Direct & Venus Direct (November 18, 2010)

Thurs­day should prove to be a sig­nif­i­cant day since not one but two plan­ets change direc­tion, mov­ing from ret­ro­grade to for­ward motion. When­ev­er plan­ets change direc­tion, we feel a shift of ener­gy in our lives. So, hav­ing two shift on the same day should be inter­est­ing… and powerful.

Forty days ago we took a turn inward to reex­am­ine our val­ues when Venus went ret­ro­grade. As I point­ed out in my post on Octo­ber 28, the answer to our search for some new under­stand­ing with regard to our val­ues was released on that date, the mid­point of the Venus ret­ro­grade cycle. Now we need to take up the chal­lenge to renew our quest for beau­ty, grace and love as Venus moves direct. We have repaired and restored our per­son­al aes­thet­ic, now we must act on it.

Four months ago we began a jour­ney with­in to reex­am­ine our beliefs and prin­ci­ples when Jupiter turned ret­ro­grade. About 2 months ago, on Sep­tem­ber 21, we were giv­en an answer to our prayer for guid­ance dur­ing the align­ment of Jupiter with the Sun. Now we have to move for­ward and become the truth we wish to expe­ri­ence. We have ques­tioned and sought under­stand­ing as regards our moti­va­tions, truths and aims. Now we need to expand out­ward with a new­found enthu­si­asm for the next part of our journey.