Daily Archives: December 2, 2010

Mars Square Uranus (December 3, 2010)

Be care­ful! This is not a time to be hasty or impatient.…slow down or you will make a mis­take you will regret. Tem­pers can flare up, words could go too far. You will be upset or angry about the truth, your truth, and end up harm­ing your­self or another.

A square brings a sit­u­a­tion to a deci­sion point. The chal­lenge here is that our per­son­al actions or desires are being shaped by Uranus. Mars in Sagit­tar­ius wants to act in a very direct and straight­for­ward man­ner, to act in per­fect free­dom because, after all, “truth” is on our side.  If tak­en too far, if we allow the neg­a­tive side of being pushed by Uranus to man­i­fest, we can act so “right­eous­ly” that we com­mit a wrong.

Uranus in Pisces actu­al­ly comes in to remind us that, in fact, in order to be free you must also be com­pas­sion­ate. Our actions must be guid­ed by the under­stand­ing that whomev­er you are deal­ing with…that per­son is fun­da­men­tal­ly the same as you. Your “free­dom” to be or do some­thing can­not come at the expense of anoth­er. Rather, we must act with imag­i­na­tion, cre­ativ­i­ty and love in order to make a space we can be free in, together.