Daily Archives: December 4, 2010

New Moon in Sagittarius & Mercury Conjuncts Pluto (December 5, 2010)

The New Moon in Sagit­tar­ius ini­ti­ates our next month­ly theme. We now need to under­stand and explain our dis­cov­er­ies in the pre­vi­ous month. We do this by seek­ing for answers to be found in Reli­gion, Phi­los­o­phy and Sci­ence. We need to make sense of our expe­ri­ences, share our knowl­edge and expand our frames of ref­er­ence. We do this for our­selves and for the future.

As the days grow ever short­er and the light is fad­ing, we seek to find com­fort in the answers that our ances­tors pro­vid­ed for us. We also need to add to that wis­dom and pass on our con­tri­bu­tion to those that fol­low. At this turn­ing of the wheel, we must fol­low the injunc­tion: Seek the truth, be your truth.

Mer­cury con­junct Plu­to cre­ates a very intense envi­ron­ment for think­ing and com­mu­ni­cat­ing. Tremen­dous and deep insights are avail­able about the struc­ture of our real­i­ty and the nature of our respon­si­bil­i­ties in it. Use this men­tal pow­er wisely

How­ev­er, we may stum­ble into the error of feel­ing so pro­found and so “right” that we are not recep­tive enough to anoth­er point of view. We may feel that we must be right, and oth­ers must believe it too. We must con­vince the oth­er, because after all, we are absolute­ly sure of the cor­rect­ness of our point of view.

Instead, you should use the pow­er of Plu­to to exam­ine the real­i­ty of your own think­ing more deeply. Pen­e­trate beyond your assump­tions and find a deep­er mean­ing about the nature of real­i­ty. Ful­fill your respon­si­bil­i­ty to be a self-reflec­tive thinker who knows that you must chal­lenge your own assump­tions if you want to move beyond this world of illusion.