Daily Archives: December 6, 2010

Sun Sextile Saturn & Mars enters Capricorn (December 7, 2010)

We should expect tan­gi­ble help from those in author­i­ty because of  the Sun Sex­tile to Sat­urn. It is a good day for steady accom­plish­ment. We find it eas­i­er to apply our­selves, espe­cial­ly in group or part­ner­ship activ­i­ties. We are guid­ed by our plans for the future which unfold through the sup­port of our agree­ments made in September.

We are work­ing hard as the year ends and there is no rest in sight for now. Mars mov­ing into Capri­corn cre­ates an atmos­phere, until Jan­u­ary 15th, of seri­ous efforts direct­ed towards accom­plish­ment. It is time to dis­play ambi­tion and focused activ­i­ty. The mantra now is: work, work, work! But do not for­get to pace your­self. More time spent work­ing hard means you need to set aside more time to rest and relax. To act respon­si­bly means you must also take care of yourself!