Daily Archives: December 7, 2010

Venus Sextile Pluto (December 8, 2010)

Deep­er insights into our val­ues are made avail­able to us now. We dis­cov­er more about our­selves when we are forced to make a choice between less­er and greater values.

We were faced with a chal­lenge about some issue back in August that seems to be work­ing out now. The preser­va­tion of our most mean­ing­ful val­ues requires that we make adjust­ments about more minor points. We are will­ing to do this because, in order to suc­ceed, we need to be sup­port­ed by others.

The real­i­ty we must acknowl­edge now is that each side has to com­pro­mise. Give some­thing up and you will gain much more. You will achieve a deep­er union with your­self and with each other.