Daily Archives: December 15, 2010

Sun Square Jupiter (December 16, 2010)

Though Jupiter is known as the “greater benef­ic”, not all good things come from the biggest plan­et in the solar sys­tem. Some­times too much, is just that…too much. When Jupiter makes a hard aspect to anoth­er plan­et, we all have to be care­ful not to over­es­ti­mate, over­do, and fall into many oth­er exam­ples of los­ing touch with what is reasonable.

The Sun rules our self; Jupiter is the prin­ci­ple and pow­er of relat­ing. We will have a ten­den­cy now to over-relate. That means we will either go too far in push­ing our self upon anoth­er, or over­re­act to some­one else at this time. Like­wise, some oth­er per­son may be over-reach­ing or react­ing towards us.

A square lit­er­al­ly means we are at a turn­ing point; this is a time of deci­sion about per­son­al growth. This square is ask­ing, “how are you going to act in order to grow rea­son­ably now?” Some­thing was revealed back towards the end of Sep­tem­ber about your poten­tial for growth and rela­tion­ship. Now you have to make a choice about that.

This deci­sion will have some­thing to do with let­ting go of an old con­cept, belief or idea. By chal­leng­ing your beliefs you can break up an old way of relat­ing and move into a bet­ter one. The self/Sun wants to expand by mov­ing along a path that has been true (till now). Jupiter is say­ing that you need to use your imag­i­na­tion now, you need to show more com­pas­sion now, if you want to grow beyond yourself.

Before true growth, comes a greater under­stand­ing. The path to under­stand­ing is found through com­pas­sion. If you wish to be ful­filled now, then show that you are ready by the breadth of your gen­eros­i­ty and the great­ness of your heart.