Daily Archives: December 17, 2010

Sun Sextile Neptune & Sun Square Uranus (December 18, 2010)

Ear­ly today, your dreams come true if you apply your­self. Imag­i­na­tion is the true source of our future, but we have to make it so by work­ing it into real­i­ty. So, be inspired by your dreams today; then fol­low through on that vision with a per­for­mance that rings as tru­ly yours.

Lat­er today, we are chal­lenged by Uranus, which makes us feel as if our spe­cial­ness or free­dom is being frus­trat­ed now. The square is remind­ing us that we need to make a choice as to how we should express our indi­vid­u­al­i­ty and expe­ri­ence our free­dom. We and oth­ers will be more abrupt or irri­ta­ble now, and that is because we are all feel­ing a loss of free­dom or a lack of appreciation.

In Sep­tem­ber, as we began the fall sea­son, we were shown some­thing about the rela­tion­ship between our need to be appre­ci­at­ed and our need to be true to our self. That rev­e­la­tion showed us some­thing about how we need to find a bal­ance between our seek­ing for approval ver­sus going our own way despite what oth­ers may think.

Now we need to make a choice. Per­haps we need to let go of an old way of being “orig­i­nal” or dif­fer­ent and find one that is more appro­pri­ate for who we are now. Or, maybe we have been so con­cerned about the respect of oth­ers, that we are in dan­ger of being appre­ci­at­ed, and yet it is not tru­ly us who they appreciate!

Make a choice now to grow. Do that by cre­at­ing a greater space of free­dom that you can enjoy with one anoth­er. And in that space, show the respect to one anoth­er that demon­strates that you tru­ly under­stand, “I am that, I am”.