Mercury Conjunct Sun (December 19, 2010)

Can you hear it? There is an answer to your ques­tion being offered up now. We are at the half-way point in the Mer­cury ret­ro­grade cycle, the moment when Mer­cury is exact­ly aligned between the Earth and the Sun. It is like a “new Moon” for Mer­cury, and is the moment when this intro­spec­tive cycle yields up an answer.

For ten days, we have been direct­ed back inwards to seek for a greater under­stand­ing. Now comes a moment of truth. What should we expect, what should we do?

The ret­ro­grade cycle of Mer­cury cre­ates an oppor­tu­ni­ty for self re-exam­i­na­tion and reflec­tion. We need to take time apart from the day to day dis­trac­tions and delve deep­er into our assump­tions, view­points and atti­tudes. We need to chal­lenge the “prism” through which we look out upon this world and see it as if with new eyes.

Take time this after­noon or evening to lis­ten to your own high­er self…wherein are found all the answers about your­self and the world around you.

You are an answer to a cos­mic ques­tion; you were born to take part in this great jour­ney of spir­it, life, con­scious­ness. Always remem­ber, the first injunc­tion in that spir­i­tu­al growth has and will always be, “to know thyself”.

One thought on “Mercury Conjunct Sun (December 19, 2010)

  1. New Coach Bags

    Hear this idea, DengHua DE repeat­ed­ly said: “grate­ful fans, but I can’t talk about the ques­tion, of course, I want to thank them care.” This night, no mat­ter how cross-exam­ine, DengHua DE reporter refused to eval­u­ate for­eign aid performance.


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