The Solstice…The Sun Stands Still. What does that mean? How is that possible?
As we circle around the Sun each year, we experience four major turning points in our journey. These four points mark the beginning of our seasons, and for Astrology mark the beginning of the Cardinal Signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
Two of those points, the equinoxes of Spring and Fall, mark the time each year that the tilt of the Earth is such that we have days and nights of equal length. The equinoxes are a time of balance, with equal time between day and night.
The solstices mark the opposite “corners” of our circle wherein the difference between day and night are at their greatest. At the summer solstice on June 21 we have the longest day and shortest night, the Sun is at its maximum. Now as Winter begins, we are in the darkest of times, the days are short, the nights are long, the Sun is at its minimum. But why do we say the Sun is standing still?
The fact is that for many months the Sun has been setting further and further South on the horizon. Today it reaches the furthest point South that it will go. Now, for several days it will set, again and again, at apparently the same point on the horizon till.…on the 3rd or 4th day, on December 25th, we will be able to see that the Sun is returning, moving back North. The light of our home is coming back, the world will not go dark, our hope is renewed, our faith is restored.
But this solstice is special; it is coinciding with the Full Moon of Sagittarius, when the Sun is in Sagittarius and the Moon is in Gemini. And this Full Moon happens to be an Eclipse. A Lunar Eclipse is when the Sun, Earth and Moon are aligned with one another so we see Earth’s shadow pass across the Moon.
What this demonstrates, so vividly and visually, is how we are indeed part of a system of bodies that are in an intricate, beautiful relationship with one another. These great orbs cycle round one another, and that they, and we, are part of a greater organism we call our universe. In other words, what is shown to us now is that we are part of a great company, a magnificent host, wheeling through the cosmos. What we should experience and marvel at now is our connectedness to this dance of the planets.
At each Full Moon we experience another revelation about the relationship between the past (Moon), present (Earth) and future (Sun). At the Lunar eclipse, with the Sun representing pure potential or the Future, and the Moon representing karma or our Past, the Earth (our Present) is coming between our past and future. That means our present reality is hiding or obscuring the past.
We often feel burdened by our past, so we might feel relieved to be seemingly freed from it. This is certainly true for a great many of our experiences. But it is also true that our spiritual progress has been most delayed by our capacity to forget or ignore the past, so that we must learn our lessons over and over again.
We should use this eclipse to let go of those parts of our past that are a burden to us, to cast them out as we take out the sword of severance and free ourselves from our doubts and fears. But we must also honor what has come before, what our forebears struggled to create, so that we preserve what is good and true in our journey so far.
In ancient times, many feared eclipses because it truly seemed as if “the light was going out”, and they believed terrible events were to be expected. But wiser ones knew, as we should now, that we should celebrate this alignment as a gift from above. The shadow falling across the Moon tonight confirms of our connectedness with the universe and with one another. We are not nor will we be ever alone because we are part of something magical and wondrous. So go out tonight and experience the mystery, majesty, and beauty of being part of the universe, your home in the stars.