Daily Archives: December 28, 2010

Mars Square Saturn (December 29, 2010)

Okay, okay I know, it hurts…but you just need to be patient and this too shall pass. Do not force things or ignore the lim­its now, you’ll only make things worse. Impa­tience is in the air and anger is ris­ing, and if we are not care­ful there is an “acci­dent” wait­ing to happen.

If you hold the ten­sion in, you might injure your­self; and, if you just let it out on anoth­er, you will harm some­one who prob­a­bly had lit­tle to do with the sit­u­a­tion. You can­not “hold in”, you can­not “act out”…what do you do? Remem­ber, there is always a “third way”, the path of under­stand­ing, which leads you out of your pain and into a new­er, more inte­grat­ed reality.

The pain you are feel­ing is mere­ly a less than gen­tle reminder that not all things go as planned. Some­times we face delays or resis­tance in order to stop, take a look and see why our way is “blocked”. We need to exam­ine if either where we are going is where we should go, or if we are get­ting there in the right way. So, life/reality/Saturn comes along and says, “Is that what you real­ly want? Are you sure you can get there this way?”

At the end of July, we began a new cycle of Mars and Sat­urn. It was then that we start­ed to take up a path of action to bring about some new aspect in our life/reality. Now, we face a choice that has been cre­at­ed by the lim­its formed by the very nature of our Sat­urn reality.

We always act with­in the lim­its imposed by Sat­urn. Though we have poured our self into a form in order to be some­thing, at some point that vehi­cle, that form, that real­i­ty, is exact­ly what we must move beyond in order to keep mov­ing in the first place. What once ful­filled us now has become a major obsta­cle to our greater ful­fill­ment. But what is the nature of this chal­lenge now?

The prob­lem is that we are in our real­i­ty, which seems to be a giv­en, some­thing that is fixed for us. Some­how, we must move beyond the old form while we are still with­in it. In order to trans­form and tran­scend, we need to cre­ative­ly com­bine Mars and Sat­urn, we need to choose the path of integration.

Mars in Capri­corn wants to act with ref­er­ence to and rev­er­ence for author­i­ty and pow­er. If you have title, if you have the pow­er, then use it. It is your duty to act author­i­ta­tive­ly; it is your right to exer­cise pow­er and con­trol. You have the pow­er, use it.

Sat­urn in Libra is “chal­leng­ing” Mars to remem­ber that the basis for author­i­ty and the exer­cise of pow­er is legit­i­ma­cy. Libra is about jus­tice, and Sat­urn in Libra is about the rule of law. (That is why, in the chart of the USA, Sat­urn is in Libra at the very top of the chart. The prin­ci­ple embod­ied in our con­sti­tu­tion is that the USA is a nation ruled by law, that no one is above the law and all are equal (Libra) before the law.)

Sat­urn is remind­ing Mars that the pow­er exer­cised by any author­i­ty flows from the agree­ment, that is, it comes from and through the con­sent of the gov­erned. The pow­er we wield comes through us, and we must hon­or and serve the true source of that pow­er. That means with­in any orga­ni­za­tion, local or nation­al, polit­i­cal or pri­vate, we must always be sure that we are serv­ing the needs of that group and not mere­ly our own.

So, the ques­tion about pow­er and author­i­ty before each of us now is “who or what do you serve”? Ulti­mate­ly, of course, this is a spir­i­tu­al mat­ter, because any and all pow­er is ulti­mate­ly derived from the fact that we are all sparks of the divine, we are all one in Spirit.

The truer ques­tion then is do you under­stand that you are part of a glo­ri­ous com­pa­ny of fel­low beings who are all con­nect­ed to one anoth­er in the greater life of Spir­it? If so, then you will act in accor­dance with that and your pow­er will be exer­cised with wis­dom and justice.

The gifts of Spir­it are many, but one of the most prized is patience. We need to be patient as we con­sid­er what is at the source of our anger or delay now. We will find that what we face is of our own mak­ing, we made this real­i­ty, this sit­u­a­tion. So, we can change it too.

Step back from your anger and frus­tra­tion; ask for help, and Spir­it will answer. You will find that you are nev­er alone; and the answer is that your jour­ney and des­tiny has and will always be in your own hands.

The good news is that by acknowl­edg­ing and act­ing with this under­stand­ing you can change your real­i­ty for the bet­ter. You do not need to fight, or retreat, you just need to choose to understand.