Daily Archives: January 5, 2011

Jupiter Conjunct Uranus, Personal vs. Worldly Astrology (January 5, 2011)

Yes­ter­day’s post was an exam­ple of what astrologers call “Mun­dane” or “World­ly” Astrol­o­gy. That is the astrol­o­gy of cul­ture and soci­ety, of nations, cor­po­ra­tions and oth­er insti­tu­tions. I plan on mak­ing more obser­va­tions like this in the com­ing weeks as I speak to the major astro­log­i­cal themes for 2011. I will com­ment on the con­di­tions affect­ing par­tic­u­lar nations, world lead­ers, oth­er insti­tu­tions, the econ­o­my as well as oth­er top­ics. And, as events unfold, I will from time to time make com­ments that reflect this more world­ly per­spec­tive dur­ing the year ahead.

But, I will most often be mak­ing posts that focus upon per­son­al mat­ters; to help us under­stand the forces at work that guide each of us on our indi­vid­ual path of spir­i­tu­al growth. That is because I pre­fer this more inti­mate focus upon our lives; and, it is also because my per­son­al belief is that the real hope for our future is found with­in the spir­i­tu­al strug­gle for greater under­stand­ing with­in each of us.

To bal­ance the scales of inter­pre­ta­tion regard­ing yes­ter­day’s post on the Jupiter/Uranus con­junc­tion, I wish to add the fol­low­ing more indi­vid­ual or per­son-cen­tered point of view:

With Jupiter rul­ing the prin­ci­ples by which we relate to the world around us, and Uranus rul­ing the forces of indi­vid­u­a­tion, inde­pen­dence and trans­for­ma­tion, 2010 was to be a year that “shocked” us into new forms of rela­tion­ship, both to our­selves and with one another.

The oppor­tu­ni­ty of their con­junc­tion was in the cre­ation of new forms of relat­ing by “shock­ing” or break­ing up old ones. So, look back on the year, espe­cial­ly when they aligned in ear­ly June, mid-Sep­tem­ber, and right now, and see if you were sur­prised or shocked in some rela­tion­ship. Chances are you were and what you were being offered was a chance to re-set your­self and that rela­tion­ship; and, to re-set your assump­tions about how and to whom you should relate to.

We are here to grow through under­stand­ing. Some­times this pro­ceeds more gen­tly because we are in touch with the changes with­in and around us. But some­times we are sur­prised, shocked and stunned, not in order to stop us, but to make us stop, think and move into the oppor­tu­ni­ty to relate to our world with a freer, more expan­sive and inclu­sive under­stand­ing. Make it so.