Here we go again! This is the third and final sextile of Mercury to Neptune in a little over 40 days. This “threefold” alignment came about from Mercury passing over Neptune in November, then turning retrograde and aligning again in December, and then turning direct so as to align to make the same aspect now. In other words, the retrograde of Mercury gave us three distinct chances to work on how we combine Mercury with Neptune.
Mercury rules our connectedness; it is the network within, (our nervous system, mind, consciousness, thoughts), and the network without, (radio, television, phone systems, internet). The mythic symbol of Mercury is Hermes, the messenger of the gods. With Neptune, the planet of dreams, inspiration and imagination shaping Mercury through this manifesting sextile aspect, we can beautifully appreciate and express our intuitive mind now.
It is our imagination that is the true fountain source of our future; but we must listen to it, and speak from it, if we wish to make it so. The gifts of spirit are often subtle yet profound. So take some time today to appreciate the beauty within and without; remember to listen with your heart and speak through your dreams.
And here we go again, again. This too is the third and final square of Mercury with Uranus in this roughly 40 day period. Just as with Neptune, this alignment took place near the end of November and again in December. But here we are dealing with the challenge thrown down by a square; we need to face something and use this opportunity to change. Here spirit is calling again, but it is not subtle whatsoever.
Uranus rules the forces of individuation, inventiveness, ingenuity…of thinking “outside the box”, instead of following the easy path of whatever is conventional or accepted. The square presents us with a challenge. Mercury wishes to speak now from the “voice” of Sagittarius through which it is moving. But Uranus is challenging that from the perspective of Pisces. Mercury in Sag. is convinced that there is one truth, one law, one true way to see the situation. Uranus reminds us, often through some shock, and here from the Pisces perspective, that there are many realities in this world and that we should therefore accept, with humility and grace, the fact that our point of view is always limited by our emotional, intellectual, and spiritual development.
When you receive the shock from Uranus do not retreat in fear, nor lash out in anger; rather, always see it as another chance, another opportunity, to take the path of understanding, the path of spirit, which frees you from a more limited point of view and experience of life.
Shocks occur, stuff happens, constantly. The measure of your soul is taken then, right after the event, in the manner of your response to it. Be creative, show intelligence and move through the shock by questioning your own assumptions. Share with others your insight so that they may move more freely too. Then thank Hermes, the messenger, for bringing you into the light of a greater understanding.