Mercury Square Jupiter (January 11, 2011)

This, too, is the third of three align­ments of Mer­cury with a plan­et, this time it is Jove, Jupiter, the greater benef­ic, throw­ing down the chal­lenge to our think­ing and com­mu­ni­cat­ing functions.

Though we call Jupiter the greater benef­ic, (because it rules growth and expan­sion, and who is not for more of many aspects of life, like friend­ship, love, peace…?), not all expan­sion, not all growth is good, (like in the human body when we go beyond a safe weight, or when we suf­fer from a dis­ease of unre­strict­ed growth like cancer).

With this in mind, you need to approach your think­ing and speech with care now, so that you don’t go too far, so you don’t go to excess, and cause harm to your cause or to one anoth­er. You are more like­ly to be over­ly enthu­si­as­tic about your posi­tion or belief, or encounter some­one else who is being dog­mat­ic now. So be care­ful, refrain from boast­ing, or push­ing an idea upon another.

Remem­ber a square is not real­ly there to push or pull you into some bad act or behav­ior, (though, unfor­tu­nate­ly this is a more com­mon result and aris­es from igno­rance, fear and a lack of spir­i­tu­al devel­op­ment). Real­ly the square is there to present you with a choice. You can either react, retreat and so stay at an old lev­el of self-unre­al­iza­tion. Or, you can choose to under­stand and rise to a high­er lev­el of self-actualization.

To make the bet­ter choice requires lis­ten­ing to your inner voice, which leads to a quick­en­ing of self-aware­ness. Through that greater self-aware­ness you move into right thought, right action and a high­er degree of self-fulfillment.

So at this square lis­ten to what Jupiter is say­ing to Mer­cury. It is say­ing (through Pisces), that your ideas, opin­ions, beliefs and atti­tudes (Mer­cury in Sagit­tar­ius), though seem­ing­ly right and true for you, and which are an impor­tant part of the whole song of cre­ation, are still lim­it­ed because they come from just one part of, one aspect of, the greater reality.

Jupiter in Pisces says you must grow into that greater under­stand­ing that flows from the truth that Real­i­ty is real­ly made up by a host of mul­ti­ple real­i­ties; that you real­ly exist in what should be seen as a mul­ti­verse. Our chal­lenge, real­ly, is how are we to under­stand and live in the one real­i­ty while we appear to exist in these sep­a­rate realities?

Jupiter in Pisces says you can do this because the greater Truth is that you orig­i­nate from, live through and will always be one in Spir­it. Thus, you can and will under­stand one anoth­er by liv­ing your life with and through compassion.

When we do, when we tru­ly see the oth­er as our self, then we can accept and cel­e­brate our dif­fer­ences, while hon­or­ing our com­mon ori­gin and des­tiny that is found in the stars.

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