Daily Archives: January 14, 2011

Mars Enters Aquarius (January 15, 2011)

Time to sparkle; you need to act in a man­ner that tru­ly reflects your inde­pen­dence and social aware­ness now. Since Decem­ber 7th, Mars in Capri­corn direct­ed your actions in more prag­mat­ic and respon­si­ble path­ways. Why change what works?

From now until Feb­ru­ary 22, you need to not mere­ly pre­serve and pro­tect what has been achieved; you need to act in a man­ner that reflects a greater social con­scious­ness. Move out­side your com­fort zone but do it with your friends.

This is not the time to fol­low the path that is well-known or tra­di­tion­al; now you need to show that you are ready to make a dif­fer­ence by being freer with your­self and oth­ers. Be the future you want to share with your com­pan­ions. You do this by help­ing to cre­ate a greater space of free­dom for all to enjoy.