Daily Archives: January 18, 2011

Full Moon of Capricorn (January 19, 2011)

The Moon in Can­cer oppos­es the Sun in Capri­corn today.…it’s a Full Moon! Yes, yes I know we have all heard the sto­ries that dur­ing Full Moons ener­gies seem to “ramp up” and mat­ters can spin out of con­trol. Yes, that can hap­pen. And cer­tain­ly, with the Moon in its own sign of Can­cer feel­ings and emo­tions can tend to be strong…but that can and should be a beau­ti­ful experience.

The oppor­tu­ni­ty of each Full Moon should be cel­e­brat­ed, inte­grat­ed and act­ed upon. Each Full Moon is a time of rev­e­la­tion, a time to pause and won­der at the beau­ty of the “lights” above us. It should be a time to hon­or the mes­sage they illus­trate about our expe­ri­ence. We should reflect upon the last 2 weeks, just as the Moon reflects the light of the Sun, and look at what we have done since the New Moon of Jan­u­ary 4. Now, in the light of the Full Moon, we should look for the mes­sage our heav­en­ly com­pan­ions offer up to us.

Here we are expe­ri­enc­ing the truths and ten­sion in the rela­tion­ship between Can­cer and Capri­corn; it is between our Roots in our fam­i­ly, eth­nic­i­ty and cul­ture, and our Des­tinies in our pro­fes­sion­al, social and spir­i­tu­al responsibilities.

Can­cer acts from the truth of feel­ings and the meet­ing of needs through intu­itive spon­tane­ity. Capri­corn acts from the truth of tra­di­tions and struc­tures as it seeks to pre­serve the hard won achieve­ments of civ­i­liza­tion. Can­cer pro­vides secu­ri­ty; Capri­corn pro­vides order. Can­cer says “fol­low your feel­ings, be spon­ta­neous”; Capri­corn says “fol­low your tra­di­tions, be responsible”.

So, which is right? .…well of course they both are! You can­not have one with­out the oth­er. If we were just to go with our feel­ings, with­out being guid­ed by the wis­dom embod­ied in our insti­tu­tions, well then mat­ters could swing from one extreme to anoth­er. But if we just become order­ly, if we become just automa­tons, then that could well lead to a life with no heart in it whatsoever.

Okay, okay…but what are we sup­posed to do now? Well, this is Capri­corn’s time. The Sun in Capri­corn shines with its bril­liant mes­sage and points to the sub­stan­tial proof of what we have achieved, of what we have built up, and what we will pass on to those that fol­low. Capri­corn shines with the light of achievement.

But the Can­cer Moon is remind­ing Capri­corn of where it all start­ed, and what it is for. The Full Moon of Can­cer says that we built it all up because we felt a need; we were respond­ing to the needs of our fam­i­ly, of our neigh­bor­hood, of our cul­ture, of one and all. We answered the call to meet our needs for one anoth­er and so cre­at­ed this soci­ety to meet those needs.

The Can­cer Full Moon reflects the light of the Capri­corn Sun and shows that the word of Capri­corn, “Respon­si­bil­i­ty” tru­ly means the “Abil­i­ty to Respond”; and what we have always respond­ed to and what we will always be respon­si­ble for is one anoth­er’s needs.

So, in the light of this Full Moon turn to one anoth­er, feel for one anoth­er, and take care of one another…because it feels right…and it has always been so.