Daily Archives: January 19, 2011

Sun Enters Aquarius (January 20, 2011)

This is the month for cel­e­brat­ing friend­ship, com­pan­ion­ship and our social ideals. It’s time to dis­play your inven­tive­ness and orig­i­nal­i­ty. Who says those col­ors don’t go togeth­er? Chal­lenge con­ven­tion, break out of those boxes.…yes, you should even take the path less taken…you nev­er know what you might find, or who you might encounter.

From now until Feb­ru­ary 18th the Sun will be in Aquar­ius whose sym­bol is the “Water Bear­er”. Now many peo­ple at first assume that that means that Aquar­ius is a “Water” sign, but it is not. Aquar­ius is the last of the “Air” signs. Air is about the intel­lect, about thoughts and ideas; it’s about reflect­ing, con­nect­ing and communicating.

There are 3 Air Signs: In Gem­i­ni the focus is on devel­op­ing intel­li­gence and per­son­al con­scious­ness. Then, in Libra the focus is on devel­op­ing social intel­li­gence and inter-per­son­al con­scious­ness. Final­ly, in Aquar­ius the focus is on devel­op­ing group intel­li­gence and col­lec­tive consciousness.

Remem­ber, one per­son alone can stand for the truth of being excep­tion­al. And two peo­ple, togeth­er, can stand for the truth of under­stand­ing anoth­er. But when many gath­er togeth­er, unit­ed in com­mon ide­al and pur­pose, then Truth, Love and Spir­it will lead us into our future.…