Daily Archives: January 22, 2011

Jupiter Enters Aries (January 22, 2011)

Full Speed Ahead! Jupiter rep­re­sents growth and expan­sion, and Aries rep­re­sents the pow­er of new begin­nings. Put them togeth­er and every­one is jump­ing to start projects or push old ones into high gear.

As I point­ed out in the gen­er­al fore­cast for 2011 Jupiter has already been in and out of Aries in 2010. Now it moves quick­ly through the first sign until it moves into Tau­rus on June 4, 2011.

Let a thou­sand projects bloom! But look out, the heady com­bi­na­tion of Aries and Jupiter has tripped up many would-be pio­neers who for­got to ask, “What comes after this first step?” Opti­mism is in the air, but be judi­cious with your resources and clear about your purpose.

Aries (the Ram) jumps ahead, so now is the time for leaps of faith, a time to dis­play reli­gious and spir­i­tu­al lead­er­ship. Enthu­si­asm, bold moves and the pow­er of new begin­nings infuse the Jupiter urge to grow and grow. Expe­ri­ence the joy of new beginnings!

Yet Jupiter can embold­en many with the con­fi­dence that their truth is… the Truth. And since that is so, there can be no dis­cus­sion, no debate…it has already been decid­ed. Instead, be enthu­si­as­tic, believe in new begin­nings… but do not be head­strong or impatient.

Have faith in your­self and set an exam­ple of opti­mism about the future. After all, you are cre­at­ing your future, so why not start in the right spir­it? The most impor­tant step is how you should begin; begin with right inten­tion and atti­tude. Your right atti­tude cre­ates the right result.

So, let it begin. Be the future you imag­ine. Remem­ber, you are an answer to a cos­mic ques­tion. Your life is the answer. Now is the time to refresh, renew and cre­ate your life.