Monthly Archives: January 2011

Mercury Sextile Neptune, Mercury Square Uranus (January 10, 2011)

Here we go again! This is the third and final sex­tile of Mer­cury to Nep­tune in a lit­tle over 40 days. This “three­fold” align­ment came about from Mer­cury pass­ing over Nep­tune in Novem­ber, then turn­ing ret­ro­grade and align­ing again in Decem­ber, and then turn­ing direct so as to align to make the same aspect now. In oth­er words, the ret­ro­grade of Mer­cury gave us three dis­tinct chances to work on how we com­bine Mer­cury with Neptune.

Mer­cury rules our con­nect­ed­ness; it is the net­work with­in, (our ner­vous sys­tem, mind, con­scious­ness, thoughts), and the net­work with­out, (radio, tele­vi­sion, phone sys­tems, inter­net). The myth­ic sym­bol of Mer­cury is Her­mes, the mes­sen­ger of the gods. With Nep­tune, the plan­et of dreams, inspi­ra­tion and imag­i­na­tion shap­ing Mer­cury through this man­i­fest­ing sex­tile aspect, we can beau­ti­ful­ly appre­ci­ate and express our intu­itive mind now.

It is our imag­i­na­tion that is the true foun­tain source of our future; but we must lis­ten to it, and speak from it, if we wish to make it so. The gifts of spir­it are often sub­tle yet pro­found. So take some time today to appre­ci­ate the beau­ty with­in and with­out; remem­ber to lis­ten with your heart and speak through your dreams.

And here we go again, again. This too is the third and final square of Mer­cury with Uranus in this rough­ly 40 day peri­od. Just as with Nep­tune, this align­ment took place near the end of Novem­ber and again in Decem­ber. But here we are deal­ing with the chal­lenge thrown down by a square; we need to face some­thing and use this oppor­tu­ni­ty to change. Here spir­it is call­ing again, but it is not sub­tle whatsoever.

Uranus rules the forces of indi­vid­u­a­tion, inven­tive­ness, ingenuity…of think­ing “out­side the box”, instead of fol­low­ing the easy path of what­ev­er is con­ven­tion­al or accept­ed. The square presents us with a chal­lenge. Mer­cury wish­es to speak now from the “voice” of Sagit­tar­ius through which it is mov­ing. But Uranus is chal­leng­ing that from the per­spec­tive of Pisces. Mer­cury in Sag. is con­vinced that there is one truth, one law, one true way to see the sit­u­a­tion. Uranus reminds us, often through some shock, and here from the Pisces per­spec­tive, that there are many real­i­ties in this world and that we should there­fore accept, with humil­i­ty and grace, the fact that our point of view is always lim­it­ed by our emo­tion­al, intel­lec­tu­al, and spir­i­tu­al development.

When you receive the shock from Uranus do not retreat in fear, nor lash out in anger; rather, always see it as anoth­er chance, anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty, to take the path of under­stand­ing, the path of spir­it, which frees you from a more lim­it­ed point of view and expe­ri­ence of life.

Shocks occur, stuff hap­pens, con­stant­ly. The mea­sure of your soul is tak­en then, right after the event, in the man­ner of your response to it. Be cre­ative, show intel­li­gence and move through the shock by ques­tion­ing your own assump­tions. Share with oth­ers your insight so that they may move more freely too. Then thank Her­mes, the mes­sen­ger, for bring­ing you into the light of a greater understanding.

Sun Square Saturn (January 7, 2011)

We’ve reached the wax­ing square of the Sun and Sat­urn; and, oh boy, do we have a prob­lem with author­i­ty! We began a new phase in some task, job or project at the end of Sep­tem­ber; but now we find our­selves at a crossroads.

We have to make a choice; what do we keep, and what do we cut? It seems as if an author­i­ty fig­ure is chal­leng­ing us now. Or, maybe the very thing we have been build­ing up is block­ing us. Or, is it our own self-doubt about our author­i­ty that is get­ting in the way? No mat­ter how life seems to present us with this choice, the true chal­lenge of this or any sit­u­a­tion is always to be found in the spir­i­tu­al strug­gle with­in each of us.

With the Sun rep­re­sent­ing pure poten­tial, (it is undif­fer­en­ti­at­ed and so unlim­it­ed but it is not real, yet); and Sat­urn rep­re­sent­ing real­i­ty, (it is lim­it­ed because it is what we had to put some part of our poten­tial into in order to make it real), what we will find is that what­ev­er we have so far poured our self into may be the very thing in the way of our fur­ther growth now.

Yet not every­thing in our real­i­ty is in the way, we need to keep some or most of what we have built up, but we have to let some­thing or some­one else go. We need to face the sit­u­a­tion square­ly and with courage. The chal­lenge of a cri­sis is to see through it to the oppor­tu­ni­ty that is there wait­ing for us. We can­not be attached to the tem­po­rary form of the real­i­ty; instead, we must hon­or the essence, the spir­it behind it.

So ques­tion author­i­ty, but ques­tion your own espe­cial­ly. Hon­or what you have become, but do not be impris­oned by your present form. When the ground drops away from beneath your feet.…it is time to spread those wings.

Jupiter Conjunct Uranus, Personal vs. Worldly Astrology (January 5, 2011)

Yes­ter­day’s post was an exam­ple of what astrologers call “Mun­dane” or “World­ly” Astrol­o­gy. That is the astrol­o­gy of cul­ture and soci­ety, of nations, cor­po­ra­tions and oth­er insti­tu­tions. I plan on mak­ing more obser­va­tions like this in the com­ing weeks as I speak to the major astro­log­i­cal themes for 2011. I will com­ment on the con­di­tions affect­ing par­tic­u­lar nations, world lead­ers, oth­er insti­tu­tions, the econ­o­my as well as oth­er top­ics. And, as events unfold, I will from time to time make com­ments that reflect this more world­ly per­spec­tive dur­ing the year ahead.

But, I will most often be mak­ing posts that focus upon per­son­al mat­ters; to help us under­stand the forces at work that guide each of us on our indi­vid­ual path of spir­i­tu­al growth. That is because I pre­fer this more inti­mate focus upon our lives; and, it is also because my per­son­al belief is that the real hope for our future is found with­in the spir­i­tu­al strug­gle for greater under­stand­ing with­in each of us.

To bal­ance the scales of inter­pre­ta­tion regard­ing yes­ter­day’s post on the Jupiter/Uranus con­junc­tion, I wish to add the fol­low­ing more indi­vid­ual or per­son-cen­tered point of view:

With Jupiter rul­ing the prin­ci­ples by which we relate to the world around us, and Uranus rul­ing the forces of indi­vid­u­a­tion, inde­pen­dence and trans­for­ma­tion, 2010 was to be a year that “shocked” us into new forms of rela­tion­ship, both to our­selves and with one another.

The oppor­tu­ni­ty of their con­junc­tion was in the cre­ation of new forms of relat­ing by “shock­ing” or break­ing up old ones. So, look back on the year, espe­cial­ly when they aligned in ear­ly June, mid-Sep­tem­ber, and right now, and see if you were sur­prised or shocked in some rela­tion­ship. Chances are you were and what you were being offered was a chance to re-set your­self and that rela­tion­ship; and, to re-set your assump­tions about how and to whom you should relate to.

We are here to grow through under­stand­ing. Some­times this pro­ceeds more gen­tly because we are in touch with the changes with­in and around us. But some­times we are sur­prised, shocked and stunned, not in order to stop us, but to make us stop, think and move into the oppor­tu­ni­ty to relate to our world with a freer, more expan­sive and inclu­sive under­stand­ing. Make it so.

Jupiter Conjunct Uranus (January 4, 2011)

Today was a very busy day. Not only are we enjoy­ing the New Moon Eclipse, but sev­er­al oth­er align­ments are also in force. The most sig­nif­i­cant, Jupiter con­junct Uranus was the sig­na­ture aspect for 2010. Now we expe­ri­ence their third and final con­tact. What have we expe­ri­enced in this align­ment; and what can we expect?

Jupiter and Uranus come togeth­er in a con­junc­tion (like a New Moon) about every 14 years. Their rela­tion­ship com­bines and releas­es the Uran­ian (unusu­al, inven­tive ener­gies) with the Jupi­ter­ian (expan­sive, boun­ti­ful ener­gies). 2010 was a year that “seed­ed” new ideas and inven­tions in the sci­ences and tech­nol­o­gy. We will see these dis­cov­er­ies and appli­ca­tions become more wide­ly expe­ri­enced and trans­form our lives over the next many years.

If we go back and look at their align­ments, we can see this rhyth­mic release of inspi­ra­tion play­ing out in our per­son­al lives, cul­ture and econ­o­my. For exam­ple, their con­junc­tion in 1983 was accom­pa­nied by: The dis­cov­ery of the virus that was the cause of so much con­cern, AIDS. The change of some­thing called Arpanet into what we now call the Inter­net. Com­pact discs are released, we’re going dig­i­tal, say good­bye to vinyl records. The FCC autho­rizes Motoro­la to begin test­ing some­thing called “cel­lu­lar ser­vice”. Humans “leave” the uni­verse; Pio­neer 10 becomes the first object to move out beyond our solar system.

In 1997 we cre­ate life for the first time; through cloning Dol­ly, a sheep is made through genet­ic engi­neer­ing. IBM’s Deep Blue defeats Gary Kas­parov; for the first time a com­put­er bests a human in a chess match. Mars Pathfind­er lands on Mars; we have a rov­ing explor­er on anoth­er planet.

In 2010, we expand­ed our def­i­n­i­tion of “life” beyond our car­bon mod­el, find­ing evi­dence of arsenic based life forms. We crossed the thresh­old from manip­u­lat­ing life to cre­at­ing it; researchers cre­ate the first total­ly arti­fi­cial and func­tion­al genome. We stare into the mys­tery of cre­ation itself, and to the abyss posed by the mir­ror-image of our uni­verse; sci­en­tists cap­ture anti-mat­ter for the first time.

But that is not all, for Jupiter and Uranus com­bined togeth­er also speak to the quick­en­ing in oth­er impor­tant aspects of our real­i­ty too, like social and cul­tur­al changes. Since Jupiter rules our prin­ci­ples of rela­tion­ship, its con­join­ing with Uranus releas­es new forms of social and cul­tur­al phe­nom­e­na and there­by cre­ates new realities.

In 1983 the US Embassy in Lebanon is bombed and what has become the so-called war with rad­i­cal Islam is said to have begun. The first woman and first African-Amer­i­can are launched into space as more bar­ri­ers to equal­i­ty fall.

In 1997 parental frus­tra­tion with the decline in read­ing by chil­dren is thwart­ed by a lit­tle boy wiz­ard name Har­ry Pot­ter. The more gen­er­al acknowl­edge­ment that the nations of the world need to coop­er­ate to address our very sur­vival is wit­nessed by a com­mit­tee at the UN in the Kyoto Pro­to­cols on Glob­al Warming.

And, what have we expe­ri­enced in 2010? For the first time in human his­to­ry, the num­ber of humans who are in a state of star­va­tion are matched by those who are over­weight or obese, (we know that we have to do some­thing about how we take care of our self and one anoth­er). A sin­gle indi­vid­ual and his web­site shake the foun­da­tions of insti­tu­tions and gov­ern­ments around the world; Wik­ileaks lifts the veil of secre­cy in mil­i­tary and diplo­mat­ic realities.

Tru­ly, we will only know in ret­ro­spect how and in what ways Jupiter and Uranus moved our sto­ry along this year…but they did, and do and will always be one of the means by which we grow beyond our mere con­di­tion­ing. We are not human beings.…we are human becom­ings, and the future is in our own hands and writ­ten in the stars.

Capricorn New Moon, The Solar Eclipse (January 4, 2011)

Now it “begins”… this is the real start for 2011. A New Moon and a Solar Eclipse! Wow! And yet, at the very moment of the begin­ning, we are remind­ed that we can­not go for­ward with­out tak­ing care of what has come before…

Each New Moon presents us with the theme for the next month. So, the Capri­corn New Moon means our focus this month should be upon the word of Capricorn.…Responsibility. The word is derived from Respon­dere, “to under­take in return, to per­form one’s part in a solemn engagement…and to be respon­sivus or answering.”

The rev­e­la­tion of the true mean­ing behind a word pro­vides a greater under­stand­ing of our cul­ture and con­scious­ness. We can turn this word around and see that respon­si­bil­i­ty means lit­er­al­ly our “abil­i­ty to respond”, our “abil­i­ty to answer”. Respon­si­bil­i­ty is the call we must answer to per­form our right­ful part in the life of our soci­ety; our ful­fill­ment is sim­ply to per­form our duty.

Our duty, our respon­si­bil­i­ty is to ful­fill our­selves, to be what we were meant to be. This is the Capri­corn moment, to reach the apex of our poten­tial and so ful­fill our­selves in the man­ner that is made avail­able and deemed wor­thy by our cul­ture. But what is our duty, what is at the core of our ful­fill­ment, what is it that we are being respon­si­ble for?

We are humans and we have needs which we can and must ful­fill with and through one anoth­er. We are not alone; we are social beings and to be respon­si­ble means that we must be able to respond to the needs of those around us, those we are respon­si­ble for. That is our duty; and that is our true path to fulfillment.

We stand in a great chain of cre­ation, each gen­er­a­tion tasked with the care of those that fol­low, as those who came before cared for us. We are guid­ed by prece­dent, we hon­or our tra­di­tions and we pre­serve and pass down what has been achieved thus far. This is the mes­sage of this month, this New Moon of Capricorn.

But this New Moon is a Solar Eclipse, the Earth, Sun and Moon are aligned again and a shad­ow races across the face of the Earth this time. The Past (Moon) is blot­ting out the Future (Sun) so that we on Earth (Present) feel more strong­ly the bur­dens of our past. We have some unfin­ished busi­ness to attend to. A New Moon rep­re­sents a fresh start, a new begin­ning, but the eclipse is say­ing you need to fin­ish what you have left undone. You can­not “see” your Future (Sun), if you let the Past (Moon) get in the way.

So each of us, and all of us col­lec­tive­ly, need to look with­in and take some time to see what we have left undone, where we have not been respon­si­ble to our­selves or to another.…and fix this before we can go forward.

Some­times you have to take a step back before you can take the next step for­ward, the next step in the ful­fill­ment of your destiny.