Daily Archives: February 5, 2011

Sun Trine Saturn & Mars Trine Saturn & Venus Square Jupiter (February 6, 2011)

Anoth­er very busy day.…Sun and Mars both trine Sat­urn, while Venus Squares Jupiter.

The Sun aligned with Sat­urn denotes an oppor­tu­ni­ty where we find our poten­tial (Sun) and our real­i­ty (Sat­urn) to be in per­fect sync. You shine when you ful­fill your respon­si­bil­i­ties with such capa­bil­i­ty and style! You are com­fort­able in your own author­i­ty. You faced a choice about inner ful­fill­ment and out­er respon­si­bil­i­ty in ear­ly Jan­u­ary; now every­thing has fall­en into place and you know where you stand and what you should do.

Mars trine Sat­urn indi­cates strong, steady progress is being made now. At the end of Decem­ber there was a big chal­lenge as you faced how to go for­ward as you encoun­tered out­ward blocks or inner doubts. Now, the stars are aligned and you move for­ward steadi­ly with enthu­si­asm, pur­pose, dri­ve and deter­mi­na­tion. You have the ener­gy and expe­ri­ence to get the job done. Suc­cess is at hand.

Lat­er in the day, Venus aligns with Jupiter and warns you to be care­ful. You may indulge your­self or give too much of your­self; Remem­ber too much is Too Much! Mod­er­a­tion is beau­ti­ful; less is real­ly more becoming.

Social­ly, Venus in Capri­corn says you must fol­low the prop­er rules, stan­dards and forms with one anoth­er and so main­tain tra­di­tion (and secu­ri­ty); while Jupiter in Aries says it’s a New Day and you must be free to be your­self!  Respon­si­bil­i­ty or Free­dom?  Why, both of course! Respon­si­bil­i­ty is renewed when we dis­cov­er one anoth­er in new forms; Free­dom is pre­served when we hon­or what has always been true.