Daily Archives: February 16, 2011

Sun Conjunct Neptune (February 17, 2011)

The Sun rep­re­sents the total poten­tial of your being in this life, your life poten­tial. Nep­tune rules dreams, visions and imag­i­na­tion; it is your capac­i­ty for illu­mi­na­tion. The align­ment of the Sun and Nep­tune reminds you that it is always pos­si­ble to imag­ine what you wish to be, to dream or re-dream your life… and then make it so.

Nep­tune rules your per­cep­tion of your­self and the world around you. You have a vision of what you are and what you face. But it is lim­it­ed by your assump­tions and con­scious­ness of what is real for you. Your real­i­ty, your uni­verse, is always cir­cum­scribed by what you per­ceive. You may share many of these per­cep­tions with oth­ers and your real­i­ty over­laps with theirs.

The align­ment of the Sun (Self) with Nep­tune (Illu­mi­na­tion) allows you to per­ceive the truth that there are mul­ti­ple real­i­ties in and around you. You actu­al­ly live in one uni­verse with­in a “mul­ti­verse”. You have the oppor­tu­ni­ty now to let go of a less­er, more lim­it­ed sense of your­self, at least for a moment or two, and dis­cov­er a more com­plete you with­in a more inte­grat­ed real­i­ty. Now you have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­solve, let go, dream great dreams, and move into a new space of self-realization.

This should be famil­iar to you; you do this all the time… when you are sleep­ing. Now, bring that won­drous expe­ri­ence into this wak­ing world so that your dreams can become sub­stan­ti­at­ed. It is con­fus­ing at first, but that is the path to a more com­plete understanding

Remem­ber, the path of spir­i­tu­al illu­mi­na­tion leads from Cer­tain­ty to the dawn­ing of Doubt to a time of Con­fu­sion so that you may final­ly come to Dis­il­lu­sion­ment. It is then, when you have dropped your for­mer assump­tions and cer­tain­ty, that Spir­it will enter in and bring to you Illumination.

If you are cer­tain then you are not pay­ing atten­tion; if you are ques­tion­ing then you are prepar­ing the way; and when you are Faith-Full then you are ful­ly present and know that you can cre­ate what­ev­er you imagine.…and so you shall.

Dream on!