Daily Archives: February 17, 2011

Aquarius Full Moon & Venus Square Saturn (February 18, 2011)

The Aquar­ius Full Moon jux­ta­pos­es the ener­gies of Aquar­ius from the Sun that are reflect­ed in Leo by the Moon. The align­ment pos­es this issue: how do you rec­on­cile your need to be inde­pen­dent and free, with your need to be respect­ed and appre­ci­at­ed? If you over-empha­size how free or dif­fer­ent you are, then your life becomes mean­ing­ful only to you; but if you too much fol­low the dic­tates of what brings approval from oth­ers, then you end up being untrue to yourself.

When faced with an oppo­si­tion and a choice, your chal­lenge is real­ly NOT to choose but to take the path of syn­the­sis. The answer here is to hon­or and express your true, unique self while you enjoy the com­pan­ion­ship of those who respect you for that. The noble, spir­i­tu­al path is always the “mid­dle road” of integration.

The Venus/Saturn align­ment lays down a chal­lenge and choice about your self-worth, val­ues, and love. Venus Square Sat­urn reminds you that it is time again to re-exam­ine your self-worth in order to under­stand a choice you must make about values.

In order to have a prop­er rela­tion­ship with any­thing or any­one, you must have a way to con­sid­er what that rela­tion­ship is worth to you. By re-assess­ing your val­ues, by dis­cern­ing what is of mean­ing­ful val­ue with­in your­self, or what you find wor­thy, by doing that you are able to cor­rect­ly assess what val­ue there is for you in that relationship.

So, although it might appear as if you are fac­ing a choice and chal­lenge in your finan­cial life, or in your rela­tion­ship life, the real chal­lenge is to be found with­in: do you under­stand your worth, do you val­ue your­self tru­ly? Do you love your­self unconditionally?

To the extent that you do, to that same extent you have the means to form mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ships with the life around you. The chal­lenge now is to re-exam­ine your self-worth, val­ues and love of self by fac­ing square­ly with­in your­self what is right and true and should be re-affirmed, and what might need to be ques­tioned or eliminated.

The con­tent of the chal­lenge this time is between Venus in Capri­corn fac­ing the chal­lenge posed by Sat­urn in Libra. Venus is speak­ing from the voice of tra­di­tion, of time test­ed val­ues and the prac­ti­cal­i­ty of main­tain­ing the sta­tus quo. But Sat­urn in Libra is remind­ing Venus that just because some­thing has last­ed, or has “sta­tus”, or “works”, does not make it true, wor­thy or lov­ing. Sat­urn in Libra asserts the prin­ci­ple that a tru­ly lov­ing rela­tion­ship is based upon a mutu­al under­stand­ing, a dynam­ic equi­lib­ri­um and bal­anc­ing of shared val­ues, and a fun­da­men­tal sense of fair­ness that is found­ed upon an open, con­scious agreement.

Look with­in so as to chal­lenge and ques­tion your assump­tions of what makes you wor­thy, and by doing that you can elim­i­nate those “false” val­ues which lead to less self-love. Look out­ward and exam­ine your rela­tion­ships, in the light of this re-affirmed love of self, and make cer­tain that you do your part to make those rela­tion­ships wor­thy and lov­ing too.