Daily Archives: February 18, 2011

Sun Enters Pisces (February 18, 2011)

The Sun enter­ing Pisces begins the month that ends the Astro­log­i­cal year. It is a time of sum­ming up, review and renew­al. The year ends as it began in the realm of the spir­it from which all gifts come. We have come full cir­cle and must pre­pare to begin again. We har­vest the mean­ings of our year just lived and plant them in the soil of the year that is to come. We turn with hope to the future and draw upon our great­est gift, the gift of Pisces, which is the supreme gift of what it means to be human… Imag­i­na­tion.

You meet the world every­day as it is; pre­sent­ed to you as “fact” that you seem­ing­ly must accept. Yet the world you meet every day is the prod­uct of what you and every­one else intu­it­ed, felt and act­ed upon yes­ter­day and a thou­sand yes­ter­days before. The great good news we can take from this is that it is we who made this world, so we can re-make it too.

The spir­i­tu­al source of that abil­i­ty is our supreme gift, the gift of the imag­i­na­tion. We encounter the world today as it is, we dream of a dif­fer­ent world; and by using our imag­i­na­tion, (com­bined with love and will), we bring into being a new world.

But of course, we do this rather imper­fect­ly because we are lim­it­ed. We are lim­it­ed by our lack of under­stand­ing which cre­ates the prin­ci­ple lim­it to our cre­ative pow­er, fear. This is the chal­lenge of Pisces: are you fear­ful or faith­ful? Do you believe that life is more fat­ed and that you just have to accept what comes your way? Or, are you more faith­ful and believe in your pow­er to make a difference?

We can over­come our past and cre­ate a bet­ter future when we con­front our fear by shin­ing the light of under­stand­ing to dis­pel the dark­ness that is fear. We know we can be bet­ter, we know we can grow because it is in our nature to believe. We have faith, imag­i­na­tion and the knowl­edge that it is we who make the world we live in.

We all find our­selves some­where on the con­tin­u­um of life between fatal­ism and free will. The prin­ci­ple deter­mi­na­tion of where you come down between fate and free will is your state of under­stand­ing. The less you know of your­self and the world around you, to that same extent will your life be “fat­ed”. And, the greater your knowl­edge of your­self and the world around you, the greater will be your free will or self-determination.

The entire jour­ney around the zodi­ac depicts (for us) the process of human unfold­ment. We begin at the Alpha moment of Aries, the spring­ing forth with the joy of new begin­nings. We come now to our Omega, the time of Pisces, in which we gath­er in, har­vest the mean­ings and dis­till the essence of our expe­ri­ences so as to cre­ate the seed of the new life we will plant again in Aries.… and so on.

We grow in under­stand­ing, day by day, year to year. But what sus­tains us on our jour­ney is the spir­i­tu­al gift of dream­ing and imag­in­ing a bet­ter world that we know is possible.…and so it is.