Mercury Conjunct Mars & Mercury Conjunct Neptune & Mars Conjunct Neptune (Feb. 20, 2011)

Triple Con­junc­tion of Mer­cury, Mars and Nep­tune!! Now we’re talk­ing… and think­ing… and act­ing on our dreams.

A con­junc­tion, like a New Moon, marks a time of begin­nings. It is a release of a seed of new inspi­ra­tion for the com­ing cycle of the plan­ets which are at the con­junc­tion. But here we have a spe­cial case, a triple play of ener­gies, mes­sages and inspi­ra­tion. So, what are to make of this triple alignment?

Mer­cury and Mars speeds up your mind and ner­vous sys­tem with an infu­sion of ener­gy. You can become so excit­ed that you def­i­nite­ly need to be remind­ed that the most impor­tant part of speak­ing is.… lis­ten­ing. Make sure that your eager­ness does not lead you into “foot in mouth” syn­drome. Be excit­ed, sure. But lose your impa­tience. You are sharp­er, faster and more assertive now. But let the mea­sure of your mes­sage be in its thought­ful­ness not volume.

Mer­cury and Nep­tune com­bine to infuse your mind with a greater lucid­i­ty. You can pierce beyond the here and now so as to see what might be or be pos­si­ble. Lis­ten care­ful­ly for the whis­per­ings of spir­it now. Find a qui­et place for med­i­ta­tion and con­tem­pla­tion. Enjoy the beau­ty around and with­in your­self. Tru­ly expe­ri­ence the one­ness of all life and be pre­pared for the third conjunction…

Mars and Nep­tune con­join to stim­u­late your imag­i­na­tion and capac­i­ty for self-less action. Usu­al­ly the ener­gies of Mars are devot­ed to self-asser­tion, but Nep­tune is about com­pas­sion, empa­thy and sac­ri­fice. So what are you to do? What you must real­ize is that a major rea­son for the devel­op­ment of a strong self is exact­ly in order to cre­ate the capac­i­ty to sac­ri­fice your “self” for some­thing greater than your­self. The align­ment of Mars and Nep­tune inspires you to seek to take strong, inspired and self-less actions. You must con­tin­ue to learn to be self-assertive in non self-cen­tered ways.

Sac­ri­fi­cial action is called for now. But remem­ber, the word sac­ri­fice means “to make sacred”; you give up the less­er in your life for that which is greater. Hon­or your core prin­ci­ples by act­ing in fel­low­ship with those who share them with you. The great­est good comes from the action that is tak­en with­out per­son­al attach­ment to the out­come for one­self. Join your com­pan­ions with whom you share this vision of a bet­ter world. Help one anoth­er to bring your dreams (Nep­tune) to life (Mars). Now is the time: “All for One, and One for All!”

One thought on “Mercury Conjunct Mars & Mercury Conjunct Neptune & Mars Conjunct Neptune (Feb. 20, 2011)


    First off I would like tto say excel­lent blog! I had a quick ques­tion that I’d like to ask if yyou do not mind.
    I was intereted to find out how you cen­ter your­self and clear your
    thoughts pri­or to writ­ing. I have had trou­ble clearing
    my min­hd in get­ting my thoughts out there. I tru­ly do enjoy writing
    but it just seems like thee first 10 tto 15 min­utes are usuaply wast­ed just try­ing tto fig­ure out how to begin. Anny suggestions
    or hints? Many thanks!


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