Daily Archives: February 21, 2011

Mars Enters Pisces (February 22, 2011)

Joy in “self less” self-asser­tion is what will move you for­ward now. When Mars moves through Pisces till April 1, you will not win any points by act­ing in a nar­row or self­ish man­ner. Now is the time for inspired actions; it is the time for dream-action, vision-action, sacred-action.

You are moved to sac­ri­fice for anoth­er because you under­stand the truth that all are part of one great spir­i­tu­al life. The truth of “I am, that I am” is sec­ond­ed by the under­stand­ing that “I and thou are one”.

You began the jour­ney of Mars in the re-affir­ma­tion of your spe­cial place in the song of spir­it. Now, hav­ing come full cir­cle, it is time to reap the har­vest of your spir­i­tu­al jour­ney as you think, feel and act in the greater life of spirit.

The great illu­sion of this world is that every­thing exists in appar­ent sep­a­ra­tion from one anoth­er. The Great Truth is that all are one in the great life that is Spir­it. You can­not harm anoth­er with­out harm­ing your­self. You can­not lift up anoth­er with­out lift­ing your own spir­it too.

Give of your­self for some­thing greater. You have strug­gled and strived to build your­self up, for what? It was so that you would be strong enough, con­scious enough and car­ing enough so as to sur­ren­der your ego on the altar of service.

Now is the time.…Sacrifice and make your life sacred, and so secure your place among the stars. Shine on!

Mercury Enters Pisces (February 21, 2011)

Her­mes dash­es through the mys­tic realms of Nep­tune’s deep for the next cou­ple of weeks. With Mer­cury mov­ing into Pisces till March 9, you will find that the sub­tle and sen­si­tive side of your mind is awakened.

Pay atten­tion to your intu­ition and remem­ber that spir­i­tu­al mes­sages often come in guis­es that are not at first what they seem, and may often arrive as a whis­per or feel like the touch of a feather.…so pay attention.

Com­pas­sion and sym­pa­thy, under­stand­ing and for­give­ness are the expres­sions that mat­ter now. Open your­self to the wider realms with­in and pay atten­tion to your dreams.