Mercury Conjunct Uranus & Mercury Enters Aries (March 9, 2011)

Epiphany… Elec­tric­i­ty is the air… and in your mind. It is as if some­thing has turned up the “juice” in your ner­vous sys­tem; flash­es of insight, break­throughs and those “ah hah!” moments come upon you so you bet­ter have your notepad (or Ipad) ready to record your brilliance.

The con­junc­tion of Mer­cury and Uranus cre­ates an oppor­tu­ni­ty to think “out­side the box”. Intel­li­gence is typ­i­cal­ly defined as a mea­sure of how much you have mas­tered the accept­ed solu­tion to what­ev­er chal­lenge you face. But that is what I would call “encod­ed intel­li­gence”, also known as “knowl­edge”.

Liv­ing, breath­ing Intel­li­gence involves the capac­i­ty to devel­op under­stand­ings and solu­tions to prob­lems that no longer seem to be resolved by the old way of doing things. Sure, try to apply the old solu­tion, but it does not work. Okay, try again, (maybe you for­got some­thing), but it still does not work.

Now your true Intel­li­gence should kick in, either the world has changed, or you have changed, (or both), and you need to look at the chal­lenge from anoth­er per­spec­tive. You need to go from being on “auto­mat­ic” to being engaged with the world around you; you need to look at the world from the per­spec­tive of “won­der”, “imag­i­na­tion” and “free­dom” again… you need Uranus.

Nor­mal vision, and the per­spec­tive of “encod­ed intel­li­gence”, is like shin­ing a focused beam of light upon an object (prob­lem); you see it bright­ly illu­mi­nat­ed, but you also cre­ate and cast a very deep shad­ow. You don’t know what you do not know (or see). You need to elim­i­nate the shad­ow; you need to see what is hid­den, but how?

By engag­ing Uranus you shift your per­spec­tive. You shine “mind-light” from anoth­er per­spec­tive and begin to reduce the shad­ow; you gain insight that cre­ates the pos­si­bil­i­ty of find­ing a bet­ter solu­tion to your prob­lem that was not even con­ceiv­able from the for­mer point of view. You break out of the accept­ed, nor­mal and knowl­edge-based worldview…you begin to devel­op Wisdom.

Enjoy the won­der… Let the Light of Uranus Shine through your Mind…

Cel­e­brate your Epiphany!


Mer­cury moves into Aries till May 15; that’s a long time to be in a “fast” sign. The rea­son for such a long sojourn is that Mer­cury will turn ret­ro­grade at the end of March and so loop back and forth in Aries.

But what does Mer­cury in Aries mean? Fast thoughts, quick speech.…and as a result mis­takes will mount up unless you main­tain an aware­ness of what is happening. 

Aries brings an ener­gy of enthu­si­asm, dar­ing and Ide­al­ism to your mind now. You are per­sua­sive; you daz­zle your oppo­nents and you are “right” too.

What’s the prob­lem? Well, maybe all of it if you are not care­ful. Don’t let your enthu­si­asm lead you to impa­tience; don’t let your dar­ing lead you to reck­less­ness; and, don’t let your ide­al­ism lead you into egotism.

Let the spir­i­tu­al fire of Aries remind you that the true source of greater aware­ness comes through more mean­ing­ful con­nec­tions, with­in and with­out. Be quick, yet poised. Be dar­ing, and grace­ful. Be ide­al­is­tic, and reasonable. 

2 thoughts on “Mercury Conjunct Uranus & Mercury Enters Aries (March 9, 2011)

  1. Jemma

    Bill, I read this last night and thought, great! I’ll look for­ward to my (cre­ative and much need­ed) epiphany tomor­row. By 2 pm today my head was in my hands and I felt like every­thing I’d worked for over the last few years had come crash­ing down. I’d hit a brick wall. The pres­sure was too much. I’d failed spec­tac­u­lar­ly with my project, due in five days time, which was now in the bin.
    Then some­one I trust told me to pick up a pen and start writ­ing, with my all my tried and true meth­ods in pud­dles on the floor around me. Noth­ing to do but fol­low my instinct. By 5 pm I had ten pages of some­thing small and unshowy, but entire­ly truth­ful. And a new path to fol­low. Epiphany does­n’t even begin to describe it. Then I remem­bered your post. Thank you for it! It helped get me through.


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