Daily Archives: March 12, 2011

Mercury Square Pluto (March 13, 2011)

Her­mes meets Hades… and it’s time to “turn a cor­ner” in your thinking.

Mer­cury is speed­ing through Aries now, enjoy­ing the delights of dis­cov­ery, the rush of ide­al­is­tic enthu­si­asms, and the joy of new begin­nings. Thoughts are rac­ing, words come tum­bling forth and there is elec­tric­i­ty in the air. But what is “that”? What’s ahead? There seems to be a shad­ow on the path.

Mer­cury in Aries is now fac­ing a chal­lenge thrown down by Plu­to in Capri­corn. New ideas are excit­ing, but Plu­to asks will it work? Say­ing what­ev­er comes to mind feels so “truth­ful”, but Plu­to asks are you being responsible?

Mer­cury in Aries fus­es think­ing with act­ing, there is no delay. But Plu­to reminds you that your thoughts have con­se­quences, you must exer­cise self-con­trol. If mis­un­der­stood, Plu­to on Mer­cury can make you up the ante in any debate: there is only one solu­tion, com­mu­ni­cat­ing is a zero-sum game, win­ning is every­thing. Well that is just wrong, wrong… wrong.

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion is not about “win­ning”, it is about under­stand­ing. If you feel some­one is push­ing their thoughts upon you, you must tell them to stop. And, just because you think you are “right”, gives you no right to force your idea upon another.

Instead, use the will of Plu­to to help you to exer­cise greater self-con­trol over your mind and com­mu­ni­ca­tions. Men­tal self-con­trol and the dis­cern­ment it bestows is the key. Turn your mind inward and probe and prove or dis­prove the assump­tions that under­lie your perceptions.

Then move out again hav­ing achieved that greater cen­ter­ing and self-con­trol. True under­stand­ing will devel­op as you share, blend and trans­form your well-found­ed ideas with one anoth­er in the spir­it of coop­er­a­tion rather than compulsion.

In truth, you alone can only know so much. But when two or more gath­er togeth­er, under­stand­ing will come through the coop­er­a­tive blend­ing of per­cep­tions, ideas and mind.

So, turn a cor­ner in your mind and let go of your need to be “right”. Now you are walk­ing the path of Wis­dom. “Know Thy­self… Con­trol Thyself”.