Daily Archives: March 15, 2011

Mercury Conjunct Jupiter (March 15, 2011)

In the begin­ning there was silence… then a word moved over the waters.…

Now is the time for new think­ing. Now is the time for Seed Think­ing. You need to engage your mind coura­geous­ly, enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly and ide­al­is­ti­cal­ly and so bring your­self into align­ment with Mer­cury and Jupiter as they form a Con­junc­tion (New Moon) in Aries.

A release of new under­stand­ing is here for you now. Jupiter rules Prin­ci­ples and the high­er mind; Mer­cury rules Thoughts and the low­er mind. The Prin­ci­ples of Jupiter pro­vide the con­text for your under­stand­ing; it rules your belief sys­tems of reli­gion, phi­los­o­phy, sci­ence and law, your high­er pow­ers of intu­itive think­ing and com­pre­hen­sion. Mer­cury rules the low­er mind, your data points, your pow­ers of obser­va­tion, com­par­i­son and con­trast, your facts and your pow­ers of intel­li­gent reasoning.

Jupiter pro­vides the con­text for what you per­ceive and so deter­mine to be “fac­tu­al”. Mer­cury pro­vides the data that you draw upon to devel­op your prin­ci­ples as well as then feed back to prove or dis­prove your prin­ci­ples. Togeth­er Jupiter and Mer­cury pro­vide the means by which you can devel­op your under­stand­ing of your­self and your world.

The align­ment of Jupiter with Mer­cury cre­ates this oppor­tu­ni­ty for a gen­e­sis of a new under­stand­ing. You can more read­i­ly per­ceive how your assump­tions have cre­at­ed your facts for you, and you can more eas­i­ly dis­cern how your facts have led you into your assumptions.

Now, stand­ing between Jupiter and Mer­cury you can re-align your­self in that still place of an open mind that is more lucid and clear-see­ing. Look at your­self and your world from a less pre-deter­mined view. Chal­lenge your old assump­tions and see as if with new found vision.

Remem­ber, you are here to cre­ate a new world. The first step is to free your mind. Be the foun­tain source of new thought, be a seer.