Daily Archives: March 18, 2011

Pisces Full Moon (March 19, 2011)

Full Moon Madness.…on the thresh­old of the New Year! The Astro­log­i­cal Year starts tomor­row as the Sun moves into Aries and spring begins. But before you leap into the future you need to look in the mir­ror of the Moon and see the reflec­tion of your year just ending.

This is the real “Har­vest Moon”; this is the har­vest of Spir­it. The Sun is in Pisces, it is the time for dreams, imag­i­na­tion and the faith that makes pos­si­ble your growth beyond your present crys­tal­lized real­i­ty. The Moon is in Vir­go, and reminds you that your dreams must take form, become crys­tal­lized, if they are to be real in this phys­i­cal world. Now you must face it, your dream and your life, the vision and the manifestation.

Look west towards the foun­tain source of your dreams as the Sun sets in Pisces; then turn and face the east and see the life you have made so far as the Moon in Vir­go ris­es. How do they relate to one anoth­er? Have you cre­at­ed well?  Do Dream and Real­i­ty reflect your soul’s pur­pose; do you see your­self in your creation?

Now, take out your scythe, it is har­vest time. It is time to reap what you have sown. Do not con­cern your­self with things, they will only pass away. This is a spir­i­tu­al har­vest and what mat­ters is meaning.

See what you have learned, not earned. Cel­e­brate your greater wis­dom for it is your soul’s trea­sure. Sep­a­rate out the grain of under­stand­ing from the husk of appear­ances and then turn to the next day, a new day…the day of New Beginnings.

From the seed that is the har­vest of the year just lived, plant the new under­stand­ing in your life that is to be…you are the cre­ator and reaper. So be it.