Daily Archives: March 20, 2011

Sun Conjunct Uranus (March 21, 2011)

Now, at the begin­ning of the year, there comes a flash, a spark of divine intel­li­gence, to light your way ahead.

Some­times Spir­it speaks with a soft voice, like a feath­er’s caress, gen­tly open­ing your heart and mind to the greater real­i­ty. But some­times it comes with thun­der, and bolts of light­ning announc­ing “Behold the New Day”! This is the way of Uranus.

Uranus is “The Awak­en­er” who comes to help you break free from a less­er sense of self. The Sun is the self, the source of all that you can be. But often you hold back and fail to express your greater indi­vid­u­al­i­ty because of con­di­tion­ing and fear. The poten­tial is with­in you, you can feel it, but you draw back from the light into the shadows.

Uranus quick­ens the spir­i­tu­al process of indi­vid­u­a­tion. Lim­it­ing pat­terns of thought and action are shat­tered by the aware­ness it bestows. Uranus lights the way to your true spir­i­tu­al self, and by this illu­mi­na­tion you inte­grate and so release your greater self into your life.

You are able to be more than your con­di­tion­ing because you are a spark of the divine. When that real­iza­tion of your spir­i­tu­al her­itage is secured, your life becomes part of a greater life, like a melody with­in the greater Song of Spirit.

Uranus aligned with the Sun calls upon you to free your­self from fear, to break the pat­terns that bind you, so that you can be true to yourself.

Remem­ber, you are here to answer a cos­mic ques­tion posed at your birth. It is by the release of your true poten­tial that you become the answer.

Sun Enters Aries, The New Year (March 20, 2011)

Aries is the first Sign; it is the sign of Incar­na­tion. The focus of life is on “Being­ness”. Emerg­ing from the sac­ri­fice and sur­ren­der of Pisces, the soul seeks to become itself pure and sim­ple now. The words you speak and all that you do echo pure­ly and sim­ply, “I am”.

Here at the equinox, of equal day and night, you cel­e­brate the return of light, love and new life. You feel the tides of the cos­mos pulling you toward greater self-real­iza­tion, deter­mi­na­tion and the cel­e­bra­tion of your unique spir­it. You have fin­ished your jour­ney of yes­ter­days; you have your har­vest of under­stand­ing to guide you. Now turn and move into the light that is with­out form and bring it into focus. 

Dar­ing, dash­ing and fear­less you face the ris­ing Sun of New Begin­nings. The promise of Spir­it is ever found in the eter­nal Now. Guid­ed by the forces of Light in their ascen­dan­cy you go forth “to be” again.

Fol­low your wax­ing Star as the days grow longer and shad­ows melt away. Rejoice in the return of light to the world.