Venus Enters Pisces (March 27, 2011)

Now you feel the need for a deep­er com­mit­ment; it is time for a more numi­nous expe­ri­ence of being one with the uni­verse (and your beloved). Venus moves into Pisces for the next 3 weeks and the mag­i­cal, mys­te­ri­ous and sub­lime are call­ing you to let go of the less­er and dis­cov­er the greater life with­in and without.

Venus in Pisces opens your heart to the great­est Truth, that all of life-cre­ation has emanat­ed from one Spir­it-Source. You look upon any oth­er… and you look upon your­self. The Great Souls who have achieved enlight­en­ment, who have come to their ful­fill­ment in the human form, do not leave behind those of us still seek­ing to find our way. They ful­ly under­stand, and so they must abide. They stand by the thresh­old; they extend their hand in com­pas­sion, sac­ri­fice and so wait for you… and there is no greater love than this.

So, dur­ing this time of Venus in Pisces, you too must do your part. Fol­low the path of truth, the path that con­nects each and every one to anoth­er. You must sac­ri­fice some­thing less­er and hon­or that which is greater with­in yourself. 

Take a step toward that thresh­old of enlight­en­ment, to that love and under­stand­ing, which waits for you… your destiny.

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