Monthly Archives: March 2011

Sun Enters Aries, The New Year (March 20, 2011)

Aries is the first Sign; it is the sign of Incar­na­tion. The focus of life is on “Being­ness”. Emerg­ing from the sac­ri­fice and sur­ren­der of Pisces, the soul seeks to become itself pure and sim­ple now. The words you speak and all that you do echo pure­ly and sim­ply, “I am”.

Here at the equinox, of equal day and night, you cel­e­brate the return of light, love and new life. You feel the tides of the cos­mos pulling you toward greater self-real­iza­tion, deter­mi­na­tion and the cel­e­bra­tion of your unique spir­it. You have fin­ished your jour­ney of yes­ter­days; you have your har­vest of under­stand­ing to guide you. Now turn and move into the light that is with­out form and bring it into focus. 

Dar­ing, dash­ing and fear­less you face the ris­ing Sun of New Begin­nings. The promise of Spir­it is ever found in the eter­nal Now. Guid­ed by the forces of Light in their ascen­dan­cy you go forth “to be” again.

Fol­low your wax­ing Star as the days grow longer and shad­ows melt away. Rejoice in the return of light to the world.

Pisces Full Moon (March 19, 2011)

Full Moon Madness.…on the thresh­old of the New Year! The Astro­log­i­cal Year starts tomor­row as the Sun moves into Aries and spring begins. But before you leap into the future you need to look in the mir­ror of the Moon and see the reflec­tion of your year just ending.

This is the real “Har­vest Moon”; this is the har­vest of Spir­it. The Sun is in Pisces, it is the time for dreams, imag­i­na­tion and the faith that makes pos­si­ble your growth beyond your present crys­tal­lized real­i­ty. The Moon is in Vir­go, and reminds you that your dreams must take form, become crys­tal­lized, if they are to be real in this phys­i­cal world. Now you must face it, your dream and your life, the vision and the manifestation.

Look west towards the foun­tain source of your dreams as the Sun sets in Pisces; then turn and face the east and see the life you have made so far as the Moon in Vir­go ris­es. How do they relate to one anoth­er? Have you cre­at­ed well?  Do Dream and Real­i­ty reflect your soul’s pur­pose; do you see your­self in your creation?

Now, take out your scythe, it is har­vest time. It is time to reap what you have sown. Do not con­cern your­self with things, they will only pass away. This is a spir­i­tu­al har­vest and what mat­ters is meaning.

See what you have learned, not earned. Cel­e­brate your greater wis­dom for it is your soul’s trea­sure. Sep­a­rate out the grain of under­stand­ing from the husk of appear­ances and then turn to the next day, a new day…the day of New Beginnings.

From the seed that is the har­vest of the year just lived, plant the new under­stand­ing in your life that is to be…you are the cre­ator and reaper. So be it. 

Mercury Opposition Saturn (March 18, 2011)

Cau­tion! Neg­a­tive think­ing is dan­ger­ous to your health!

Mer­cury in Aries has been cre­at­ing a ver­i­ta­ble rush of men­tal activ­i­ty. But Sat­urn in Libra is throw­ing a shad­ow across your path right now. Whether you just got some bad news, or some­one in author­i­ty is chal­leng­ing your point of view, your real chal­lenge is to stay calm, cen­tered and alert.

If some­thing or some­one is chal­leng­ing your progress, it is not to make you stop; it is to make you stop and THINK. One of the most sub­lime gifts of your mind is its adapt­abil­i­ty, so use it. The mind is not a blunt instru­ment; your mind is a sub­tle vehi­cle that can lead you to a greater awareness.

You might believe that your only option is either dig in, push back and win OR give in, sur­ren­der and retreat. But you always have a “third way”. Remem­ber, it is not about win­ning or los­ing… the way of the spir­it is about understanding.

Use this chal­lenge to re-exam­ine your assump­tions as well as help one anoth­er to see your posi­tions more objec­tive­ly. By com­bin­ing, con­trast­ing and work­ing your thoughts togeth­er you move towards a greater under­stand­ing; by walk­ing the mid­dle path, you raise one anoth­er’s con­scious­ness, which is the actu­al goal!

Remem­ber, the word “con­scious­ness” means lit­er­al­ly “togeth­er know­ing”. You, on your own, can only under­stand so much. But when two or more work toward a com­mon under­stand­ing, when you tru­ly look with­in and lis­ten with­out, that is when “mind mag­ic” happens. 


Mercury Conjunct Jupiter (March 15, 2011)

In the begin­ning there was silence… then a word moved over the waters.…

Now is the time for new think­ing. Now is the time for Seed Think­ing. You need to engage your mind coura­geous­ly, enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly and ide­al­is­ti­cal­ly and so bring your­self into align­ment with Mer­cury and Jupiter as they form a Con­junc­tion (New Moon) in Aries.

A release of new under­stand­ing is here for you now. Jupiter rules Prin­ci­ples and the high­er mind; Mer­cury rules Thoughts and the low­er mind. The Prin­ci­ples of Jupiter pro­vide the con­text for your under­stand­ing; it rules your belief sys­tems of reli­gion, phi­los­o­phy, sci­ence and law, your high­er pow­ers of intu­itive think­ing and com­pre­hen­sion. Mer­cury rules the low­er mind, your data points, your pow­ers of obser­va­tion, com­par­i­son and con­trast, your facts and your pow­ers of intel­li­gent reasoning.

Jupiter pro­vides the con­text for what you per­ceive and so deter­mine to be “fac­tu­al”. Mer­cury pro­vides the data that you draw upon to devel­op your prin­ci­ples as well as then feed back to prove or dis­prove your prin­ci­ples. Togeth­er Jupiter and Mer­cury pro­vide the means by which you can devel­op your under­stand­ing of your­self and your world.

The align­ment of Jupiter with Mer­cury cre­ates this oppor­tu­ni­ty for a gen­e­sis of a new under­stand­ing. You can more read­i­ly per­ceive how your assump­tions have cre­at­ed your facts for you, and you can more eas­i­ly dis­cern how your facts have led you into your assumptions.

Now, stand­ing between Jupiter and Mer­cury you can re-align your­self in that still place of an open mind that is more lucid and clear-see­ing. Look at your­self and your world from a less pre-deter­mined view. Chal­lenge your old assump­tions and see as if with new found vision.

Remem­ber, you are here to cre­ate a new world. The first step is to free your mind. Be the foun­tain source of new thought, be a seer.

Venus Trine Saturn (March 14, 2011)

True love is found in patience, stead­fast­ness and devotion.

Love is patient because you under­stand and accept your own imper­fec­tion as you see it reflect­ed in your loved one too. To love each oth­er you for­give one anoth­er. It is that patience and for­give­ness which informs the rela­tion­ship in which you learn, grow and enlarge the life that you share.

Love is stead­fast­ness because you under­stand and accept that the val­ues at the core of your being, that make you you, that these must be the cen­ter of your life togeth­er. The mean­ing­ful­ness that you cre­ate togeth­er is found­ed in this com­mit­ment to val­ues. It is that steadi­ness which holds you to the path of your mutu­al pur­pose in this life.

Love is devo­tion because you under­stand and accept that what you have found in the oth­er is tru­ly the reflec­tion of your own high­est self.…your soul. Per­son­al love reflects through the prism of spir­it as you meet your high­er self in the beloved.

Love is the fun­da­men­tal con­stant of the Uni­verse.… these are the gifts of Venus and Saturn.