Daily Archives: April 1, 2011

Mars Enters Aries (April 2, 2011)

Things are bound to “heat up” now as Mars moves into the sign of Aries till May 11th. The next 40 days are going to be…“exciting”. Mars rules your desires, your actions… it is the “thrust” in your life. Mars is back in its own sign, the first sign, and so begins a new cycle of action and activity.

Mars in Aries brings enthu­si­asm, ide­al­ism, and dri­ve; it cre­ates a “can-do” spir­it in your life now. You want to begin some­thing, or forge ahead in what you have already start­ed, and you will, (you must). It’s out with the old and in with the new and Mars is lead­ing the charge. But, as always, you have to know how to work with this surge of energy.

Your enthu­si­asm will feel great, but watch out for impul­sive­ness. Don’t leap with­out look­ing or you are like­ly to bang your head, lit­er­al­ly. Mars in Aries bestows this resur­gence of ener­gy, but it tends to reduce (elim­i­nate) your capac­i­ty for patience. As a result, frus­tra­tions arise because every­one is act­ing up, act­ing out, tem­pers flare, and acci­dents hap­pen. So, after the new idea pops into your head, before you plunge ahead, stop, take a moment and con­sid­er the sit­u­a­tion from a more reflec­tive, calm and encom­pass­ing perspective.

Your ide­al­ism is charm­ing, but be aware of your naiveté. Great ide­al­ism is at the root of real­i­ty, but does your plan of action make sense, in this world, at this time? Don’t get too caught up in what “ought to be”. Remem­ber, you and the world have been evolv­ing for a very long time and you are not yet what you can be, just yet. Tem­per your ide­al­ism with the under­stand­ing that your jour­ney requires many steps, each pro­vid­ing a nec­es­sary les­son, and so you must accept what is pos­si­ble now. 

Your dri­ve seems impres­sive, but you will not suc­ceed if you are self-cen­tered. Your dream, your ide­al, may seem like the “only” or “true” way to be. But there are many paths that lead to ful­fill­ment, and yours is but one of many songs in the life of spir­it. Play your part, con­tribute to the greater life, but you have no right to claim your way to be the way. 

Mars is the ser­vant of the Spir­i­tu­al War­rior. Now it is time to draw again on your capac­i­ty to renew your life and raise the ban­ner of right­eous action. But, always remem­ber, the true strug­gle of Life-Love-Spir­it lies with­in the spir­i­tu­al war­rior seek­ing their destiny. 

Be Patient, Be Mind­ful, Be Hum­ble. So be it.