Daily Archives: April 5, 2011

Sun Conjunct Jupiter (April 6, 2011)

Growth is Good… and your new cycle of growth com­mences today.

The Sun rules your “self”; it is the home of all of your poten­tials, all your tomor­rows. Jupiter rules your prin­ci­ples; it is that which deter­mines how you relate to the world around you. But always remem­ber, your first and most impor­tant rela­tion­ship is with your “self”. Now with the Sun con­joined with Jupiter you can re-align your­self to your “self”.

Take time today to reex­am­ine the prin­ci­ples of your life. What is “your truth”? Under­stand where you have come from so that you may bet­ter under­stand why and where you are going. With that greater under­stand­ing you can then decide how best to move your­self towards your dream.

As a new year­ly growth cycle com­mences, last year’s con­cludes. Turn inward today to under­stand what were your inten­tions, out­comes and lessons of growth expe­ri­enced in the year just end­ed. Then turn out­ward and use this under­stand­ing as the foun­da­tion for your new cycle of growth, your new round of self-realization.

This is the most fun­da­men­tal teach­ing of the cos­mos. It is the answer to the ques­tion: “Why are you here?” The answer quite sim­ply is: “You are here to grow”.

You have been on a long, long jour­ney of self-unfold­ment. You began as a spark of the divine flame. You moved out into the cos­mos to learn, to grow, to become. At each turn­ing of the wheel of life, you must har­vest the mean­ing of what you have learned, then use that under­stand­ing and go forth again to a high­er plane of self-real­iza­tion. And so on, and so on…

Cel­e­brate today your jour­ney, your growth. Ful­fill your des­tiny, which is to be a star amongst the stars. Go Forth, Grow and become your Destiny.