Daily Archives: April 8, 2011

Mercury Conjunct Sun (April 9, 2011)

Wait for it… yes, your answer is here. You’ve been try­ing to under­stand some­thing impor­tant since Mer­cury turned ret­ro­grade on March 30th. Now there is an offer­ing from the stars.

Actu­al­ly, you could say that ever since Mer­cury aligned with the Sun on Feb­ru­ary 25 (like a Full Moon), you’ve been mov­ing towards this new begin­ning. This is the mid­point of the Mer­cury ret­ro­grade cycle. This align­ment with the Sun is like a New Moon, so there is a new release of ener­gy and understanding.

Since this align­ment is in Aries, it is an answer to the ques­tion about your “pres­ence” in the world. You’ve been reflect­ing, review­ing and reex­am­in­ing how you appear to oth­ers. The way in which you hold your­self and project your­self into the world has been the main top­ic or point behind many oppor­tu­ni­ties and chal­lenges that you face now.

Maybe it is just the real­iza­tion that your hair/makeup/clothing style needs a makeover. Or, more impor­tant­ly, maybe it is an adjust­ment in your atti­tude. This is the moment to get your answer. If it seems as if your old look or old ways don’t seem to be get­ting you to where you want to go, well, it’s time to re-boot your presence.

Lis­ten for the mes­sage from Her­mes. Turn and look into your mir­ror of life. Then, take a step beyond appear­ances and cre­ate a per­sona that reflects the real you. Work on it till April 23, when Mer­cury turns direct. Then move outward/forward through your re-imag­ined presence.

What you see is what they get. Make it right.

Pluto Turns Retrograde (April 8, 2011)

Plu­to “stands still” today as it begins its ret­ro­grade cycle from April 9th till Sep­tem­ber 16th. Rul­ing the Will, willpow­er and “con­trol issues”, Plu­to turn­ing ret­ro­grade cre­ates an oppor­tu­ni­ty every year to jour­ney with­in and reflect upon the nature of self-deter­mi­na­tion in your life.

The space that you call your “self” is your sacred space. You move out from this space and exer­cise your will in order to do any­thing in this world. But of course by so doing you come in con­tact with oth­er wills. Their space is sacred too.

When some­one push­es into your space with­out your per­mis­sion, or you do that to anoth­er, well, that is called “tres­pass­ing”. It is a vio­la­tion of your spir­i­tu­al (and often phys­i­cal) integri­ty. The key, as always, is your “self con­trol”, your self-deter­mi­na­tion. For the spir­i­tu­al war­rior, the bat­tle is with­in one­self; to achieve self-mas­tery is the only goal.

To the extent that you “Know Your­self”, you com­mand and con­trol your­self. You exer­cise your will and delin­eate clear­ly the bound­aries for your­self. You know when (and if) to let some­one cross into “your space”. Like­wise, hav­ing this knowl­edge, you would nev­er vio­late the space of anoth­er, for to vio­late their space is a sin.

You are learn­ing to exer­cise your pow­er intel­li­gent­ly, cre­ative­ly and lov­ing­ly through your expe­ri­ences on this earth­ly plane. As you advance in spir­i­tu­al under­stand­ing, you more con­scious­ly align your will (a spark of the divine will) to the One Will. That Will is the Source; it is the one, true Pow­er of the Universe.

 As it has always been said… “Let Thy Will Be Done”.