Mars Squares Pluto (April 11, 2011)

Warn­ing! Warn­ing! … This is not an easy one to handle!

Mars rules Desire/Action; Plu­to rules Will/Control. When plan­ets are in a square to one anoth­er the ener­gies are not com­bin­ing effort­less­ly; there is stress, strain and some­thing’s going to hap­pen. And when it hap­pens with these two, well let’s just say we humans are still work­ing on get­ting these ener­gies right. It is not that there is “bad” ener­gy (or bad plan­ets); it is just that it takes time to acquire that “greater under­stand­ing” to work with the cre­ative pow­ers of Desire and Will.

When­ev­er there is a square you are faced with a choice. Some­times you don’t under­stand or want to face the chal­lenge. Or, if it con­cerns anoth­er, maybe they can­not, or will not, work with you. The sit­u­a­tion may not lead to a greater under­stand­ing, but instead stum­bles into pain, suf­fer­ing and loss.

What is the choice/challenge here? Mars is in Aries, its “own” sign. Mars is dri­ving for­ward with an ide­al­is­tic, insis­tent ener­gy of being pure­ly one­self; it is that pure Life-Force-Song that bursts forth to exclaim “I am” as you dance the dance of life incarnate.

Plu­to is in Capri­corn, the sign of order, tra­di­tion and real­i­ty. It is the force of will and con­trol now focused through the neces­si­ty of Author­i­ty and Tra­di­tion. Plu­to is here the Avatar of the man­i­fest­ed real­i­ty; the will that holds togeth­er the Life-Force-Song that has found self-real­iza­tion in matter.

The chal­lenge is to be true to your­self, to your ideals and dreams, but how to do this with­in the con­text of a real­i­ty that seems to be thwart­ing your progress? Do you just dri­ve ahead any­way and maybe crash and burn? Or should you just give way to the sta­tus quo, for­go your quest, and be untrue to your­self? What to do? If you push ahead you risk caus­ing injury to your­self or oth­ers. If you hold back, you fail to ful­fill your pur­pose which is to grow. It seems either way you will lose. But there is always a “third way”, it is the Way of Under­stand­ing.

You must pay homage to both ener­gies, for they are both true. You must not, you can­not, choose between them. Instead, you must find the Noble Path, the one true road; that is the “mid­dle way” of inte­gra­tion. You can and must inte­grate both ener­gies because each in fact depends upon the oth­er for its very exis­tence. The very reality/structure that Plu­to is uphold­ing was cre­at­ed by the insis­tent, ide­al­is­tic ener­gies of Mars long ago. And, the Root-Source for those dreams of Mars springs from the Seed-Forms embod­ied in that which was passed down by your ances­tors. They and now you made this “real­i­ty”. You must accept the respon­si­bil­i­ty to hon­or their sac­ri­fice and now add to the song of  Life-Spirit.

Take the Mid­dle Path. Move with your Aries ener­gies through the forms of real­i­ty and bring into them a new and greater under­stand­ing. Do this cre­ative­ly, with love and com­pas­sion and know that this has always been the way. You are Spir­it. You are Mat­ter. The illu­sion is your expe­ri­ence of sep­a­ra­tion. The Truth is the Move­ment, the Dance of Life, of Spirit/Matter. Dance the dance of Cre­ation which knows that Free­dom is to be found in the Now.

To walk the Noble Path, to take the path of under­stand­ing, the first step is accep­tance. What is before you, what seems to be in your way, is of your cre­ation. You made it, you can (and will) change it. The only ques­tion is, will you change it con­scious­ly, and so tru­ly embrace the Song of Spir­it which sings “I am THAT, I AM.

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