Mercury Conjunct Jupiter (again) (April 11, 2011)

Turn, turn, turn… Mer­cury comes back to Jupiter for the sec­ond of 3 encoun­ters. This cycle start­ed on March 15 when Mer­cury first passed over Jupiter. Now it pass­es over while mov­ing in ret­ro­grade. The final pass will be May 11. The com­plete cycle offers anoth­er oppor­tu­ni­ty to re-align your low­er mind with your high­er mind, your intel­li­gence and your intuition.

Think of this dance as if watch­ing a three act play. The first act in March announced the major theme of Intel­li­gence-Wis­dom, of “facts” vs.“truth” that would play out over the next 2 months. The issues and ques­tions were revealed so as to be considered.

Now, in Act II the dra­ma is clear; the dichoto­my and polar­iza­tion are laid before you now. The low­er mind cleaves to the “facts” which are true giv­en the prism through which the issue is viewed. The argu­ment is unas­sail­able; the rea­son­ing is sound…ipso facto.

But the Intu­itive Mind replies, “Facts are not things in them­selves, they are cre­at­ed by your point of view”. To tru­ly under­stand you must go to the roots of your under­stand­ing and exam­ine your assump­tions, your prin­ci­ples. Your aware­ness is a jour­ney of pierc­ing through many veils, many lev­els of under­stand­ing. At each lev­el, you believe you see it all now, but there are many, many veils to pass through to get to the One, to the heart of truth. 

Your low­er mind retorts, “facts are true”. The Intu­itive Mind replies that the word “fact” comes from the Latin “Facere” to make and “Fac­tum” as in a thing done. It is where the words arti­fice (and arti­fi­cial), fac­to­ry and man­u­fac­ture come from. The Intu­ition knows that facts are made. How­ev­er, what is true is that facts are like a series of steps you must lit­er­al­ly make in order to move from knowl­edge to wisdom.

The Lower/Rational mind resists; “this is truth, it is the world as it is”. The Intu­itive Mind replies, “It is the world as it appears to you, it is ‘true’ for you” for now.” But you will grow; you will under­stand and so real­ize that the mea­sure of wis­dom is found in the devel­op­ment and depth of your humility.

As you come to seek the guid­ance of those who have walked the Path of Truth, you imag­ine the Wis­dom Teach­ers as per­fect­ed beings endowed with the full­ness of Truth. They watch over you, look upon you, and smile gen­tly and say, “No, we have not nor will we find an end to this search for Truth till the end of days, and even then, who can say”.

Look with­in your­self to The Teacher, to the Watch­er, who reminds you that there is but one injunc­tion that all must fol­low, “Walk on”.

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