Daily Archives: April 16, 2011

Full Moon of Aries (April 17, 2011)

Go out! Look up tonight! Yes, it is big! Tidal forces are push­ing, pulling and churn­ing; your feel­ings are strong and emo­tions run high. Not only is it a Full Moon, but the Moon is close to its Perigee, as close to the Earth as it can be. Yes, this is anoth­er instance of what has been called a “Super Moon”, so Mate­r­i­al forces and their effects, (which may depend upon such phys­i­cal mea­sure­ments), will “weigh in”, literally.

But let us keep our focus upon the Spiritual/Metaphysical mes­sages that are revealed by the dance of our com­pan­ions in the heavens.

Here we have the Sun in Aries while the Moon and Earth are in Libra. This first Full Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal year is a rev­e­la­tion about the pri­ma­ry expe­ri­ence of your spir­i­tu­al real­i­ty, of self and oth­er; it is all about your under­stand­ing of “you”, and how that “you” is reflect­ed in your relationships.

Aries and Libra are the signs of the equinox­es, of equal days and nights. They rep­re­sent a time that speaks to the need to under­stand the bal­anced beau­ty of the plan­e­tary pageant. Your jour­ney is to under­stand and work with and through these ener­gies of the Uni­verse. The first les­son is Aries which her­alds the ascen­sion of the self, of “I”-ness. Libra, its coun­ter­point marks the entrance to the expe­ri­ence of oth­er, of “We”-ness.

You have been mov­ing through Aries now and your focus has had to be on you, your­self, on “I”. But, if Aries becomes too strong, becomes unbal­anced, then you will begin to cre­ate a life that is sep­a­rate and devoid of mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ship. So, the Uni­verse pro­vides the rem­e­dy, the reminder, and the Libra Moon shines upon you now.

Libra beck­ons with the gen­tle smile that says you are nev­er alone nor can you act as if you are. You came from the One, as did All of Cre­ation. Your whole jour­ney is about growth, it is about mean­ing. And with­out rela­tion­ship, well with­out “that” there can be no growth or meaning.

So remem­ber at this Full Moon, rejoice that you are an “I”. Then turn and look into the eyes of anoth­er and smile and be thank­ful that you are not alone and say I AM THAT, I AM.