Mars Opposition Saturn (April 18, 2011)

Okay, this is a real­ly, real­ly tough one… So, be care­ful! An irre­sistible force (Mars/Desire) meets an immov­able object (Saturn/Reality). Some­thing is bound to hap­pen, and it will not be pret­ty unless you remain cen­tered, adapt and move into greater understanding.

When Mars and Sat­urn align like this you have reached a turn­ing point in action/manifestation. Remem­ber an oppo­si­tion is like a Full Moon, it is time of rev­e­la­tion. It appears as if you must choose between one action/thing or anoth­er; but real­ly this is a time to bridge your divide by ris­ing above appear­ances and so expe­ri­ence the high­er truth; that these two oppo­sites are part of one greater whole. You must find your way to right action and so take the high­er path of synthesis.

Mars is the force of Desire; it is the Spir­it you ride as you man­i­fest your poten­tial through dream­ing-think­ing-act­ing. Sat­urn is the prin­ci­ple of Real­i­ty; it is the man­i­fes­ta­tion of what you dreamed-thought-act­ed. Now it appears that the Author­i­ty-Real­i­ty you are encoun­ter­ing is chal­leng­ing or block­ing your Desire. You attempt to move for­ward, but the hard­er you try, the hard­er Real­i­ty push­es back.

NOW comes your test…If you push ahead even hard­er, well, you might make it, but it will prob­a­bly not turn out well for you or those around you. You will prob­a­bly cause dam­age to your­self or your sur­round­ings. And, if you pull back, and deny your desire, well that won’t be pret­ty either. It will churn around with­in you and come out again, but it will be not be in a very good form when it does.

You can­not go for­ward; you can­not go back. Okay uni­verse, what’s left? And your inner voice will answer, “The Third Way, the Way of Under­stand­ing”. Look at the two oppo­sites before you.

Per­haps the goal is still true, but the way you are attempt­ing to get there no longer works. Either you have changed, or the world has changed, (or both), and you must find a dif­fer­ent means to accom­plish your task. Your Desire/Mars is always evolving.

Then turn and look at what you desire, your goal, and ask “is that what I tru­ly want now?” You cre­at­ed a Real­i­ty to ful­fill your­self, but now it seems to stand in your way. Per­haps it is no longer appro­pri­ate or mean­ing­ful. Or maybe, if you just adjust your bear­ings a lit­tle, then a bet­ter, fin­er goal will present itself. Your Saturn/Reality is always re-forming.

And often­times, it is both. You can no longer act as you had because you have grown; nor can you pur­sue the same real­i­ty because it too is evolv­ing, both through your efforts and that of many others. 

First, you must step back from this cri­sis, from the con­fronta­tion that appears to be “out there”, for the true strug­gle of your life is to be found with­in. Remem­ber that you are only encoun­ter­ing what you have desired and what you have cre­at­ed. Take respon­si­bil­i­ty for what you want­ed and what you made… Now, re-imag­ine your­self and take the mid­dle path of under­stand­ing. You are the creator.

So be it.

2 thoughts on “Mars Opposition Saturn (April 18, 2011)

  1. alan wattlay

    WoW!!! Oh how I regret not look­ing at this one an hour before a large scale bat­tle for the house! This one would have saved much grief… Got­ta love the per­fect hind sight!!!

  2. Bill Attride

    Dear Alan, Sor­ry about that. Aspects can be lin­ing up for sev­er­al days in advance, and so it is hard to exact­ly know when or how they might man­i­fest. I try to post at least the day before, but some­times, evi­dent­ly, that is just too late…Best regards, Bill


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