Aphrodite steps from the Piscean Sea and into the fiery realm of Aries. For three weeks the heart has longed to transcend itself, to sacrifice itself, and through compassion touch the sublime light of the Great Souls who have shown the way homeward.
Now it is time to come back to yourself, to your love of self, to the song of “I”. Such is the song-dance of spirit, in and out, back and forth, so that every player may air their melody and dance their jig in the planetary pageant.
With Venus in Aries you need to feel beauty intensely now; you are drawn to the fresh and new in beauty and art. Love beckons like “spring fever”; it is urgent, quickening and intense. Love at first sight is common, yet commonly misunderstood.
Enjoy the resurgent feeling of new discoveries in the beauty that surrounds you. Thrill to the joy of new found love between you and your beloved. But be mindful and not so full of haste or you will miss the true source of beauty that is everlasting and for the love which is eternal. Always remember, that it is from Spirit, the constant source that your enthusiasm springs forth, and it is this same source for that eternal love that you see in the eyes of your beloved.
Celebrate your love of self; your delight in new beauties and love proclaim the joy of life renewed. Dance your dance of spirit, sing your song of songs; and so honor the Divine Seed of one and all, your Spirit-Source in the Stars.