Daily Archives: April 20, 2011

Venus Enters Aries (April 21, 2011)

Aphrodite steps from the Pis­cean Sea and into the fiery realm of Aries. For three weeks the heart has longed to tran­scend itself, to sac­ri­fice itself, and through com­pas­sion touch the sub­lime light of the Great Souls who have shown the way homeward.

Now it is time to come back to your­self, to your love of self, to the song of “I”. Such is the song-dance of spir­it, in and out, back and forth, so that every play­er may air their melody and dance their jig in the plan­e­tary pageant.

With Venus in Aries you need to feel beau­ty intense­ly now; you are drawn to the fresh and new in beau­ty and art. Love beck­ons like “spring fever”; it is urgent, quick­en­ing and intense. Love at first sight is com­mon, yet com­mon­ly misunderstood.

Enjoy the resur­gent feel­ing of new dis­cov­er­ies in the beau­ty that sur­rounds you. Thrill to the joy of new found love between you and your beloved. But be mind­ful and not so full of haste or you will miss the true source of beau­ty that is ever­last­ing and for the love which is eter­nal. Always remem­ber, that it is from Spir­it, the con­stant source that your enthu­si­asm springs forth, and it is this same source for that eter­nal love that you see in the eyes of your beloved.

Cel­e­brate your love of self; your delight in new beau­ties and love pro­claim the joy of life renewed. Dance your dance of spir­it, sing your song of songs; and so hon­or the Divine Seed of one and all, your Spir­it-Source in the Stars.

Sun Enters Taurus (April 20, 2011)

Stead­ied now, focused now, build­ing, building…Your soul’s jour­ney turns from the ques­tion, “Who am I?” Aries time is done. You’ve made your pres­ence known. Now from Fire you move into Earth. The sec­ond Door of Life is before you. You cross the thresh­old and so seek to answer the ques­tion, “What am I?”

With the Sun in Tau­rus you seek the expe­ri­ence of what you are made of; now is the time to man­i­fest your­self in a tan­gi­ble, tac­tile, valu­able way. Dreams, ideas, plans… they are nice, but you need to make it real, you need to be pro­duc­tive, you need to under­stand Value.

The Les­son of Tau­rus is about val­ue. Where does it come from, how do you cre­ate it, hold it, pre­serve it, change it and.…let it go? This is the sec­ond step in your life jour­ney. What do you have with­in and around you to make man­i­fest your dreams, ideas and your plans?

The key to your under­stand­ing of val­ue is the under­stand­ing you pos­sess of your self-worth; that is the val­ue you have of your­self. By pos­sess­ing your­self, your moral and aes­thet­ic sen­si­bil­i­ties, your skills, tal­ents and abil­i­ties, by hav­ing this knowl­edge of your own val­ue you can then, and only then, have the right rela­tion­ship with the oth­er beings (and things) of your world.

So cel­e­brate the jour­ney of life-con­scious­ness-spir­it; move now from being to doing, from dream to man­i­fes­ta­tion. Step through the door­way; becom­ing you are the Creator.

And remem­ber, as it has always been, is now, and will always be, the Key to Life is:

Know Thy­self!