Venus Opposition Saturn (April 30, 2011)

This is Seri­ous! …No, seri­ous­ly, we are talk­ing about Sat­urn, the “Ring Pass Not” plan­et of Real­i­ty. You are fac­ing a Reck­on­ing and a Rev­e­la­tion about your Val­ues and Rela­tion­ships (Venus). But, of course, you are real­ly fac­ing a reckoning/revelation about your rela­tion­ship to your “self”.

With an oppo­si­tion (like a Full Moon), it seems as if “the prob­lem” is out there, which is par­tial­ly true, of course. Any of your rela­tion­ships which have been under­go­ing chal­lenges will now reach a cli­max; the rela­tion­ship will face a reck­on­ing. You’ve reached a turn­ing point, and this can, and prob­a­bly should, be painful. There is a sense of final­i­ty; “we” may not make it.

The “issue” is the bal­ance, (for both of you), between your­self and the oth­er. Venus is in Aries, asserts the prin­ci­ple of “me, myself and I”. Sat­urn is in Libra, reminds Venus that “I” with­out “Thou” is mean­ing­less. Bal­ance is achieved when you cre­ate a dynam­ic equi­lib­ri­um between rea­son­able self-asser­tion cou­pled with lov­ing con­sid­er­a­tion for the oth­er. The prob­lem here is that either the rela­tion­ship is being dam­aged by too much indi­vid­u­al­ism, or indi­vid­u­al­i­ty is being smoth­ered by a too demand­ing relationship/partner. The sit­u­a­tion has become untenable.

Either way, you need to take respon­si­bil­i­ty for your part in this, which of course is (at least) half of it! You get and cre­ate the rela­tion­ship you are wor­thy of, and that depends upon your pri­ma­ry rela­tion­ship, your rela­tion­ship to your “self”. You can­not, nor should you, seek to change the oth­er. You can re-exam­ine and you should devel­op your­self; and, you will by those actions change the nature of your rela­tion­ship to the oth­er. And yes, that means your part­ner will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to move into this new space and change as well.

But your con­cern must be with your val­ues, your needs and the pat­terns of rela­tion­ship that you have cre­at­ed. The question/revelation is about your val­ues; the ques­tion seems exter­nal but it is tru­ly inter­nal. The issue and les­son is about your self-worth.…it is about self-acceptance…it is about your love of self…which then is reflect­ed into your rela­tion­ship and your love for the other.

You can­not turn away from this moment, this pain that seems to come from out­side. Instead move into that pain, look with­in and exam­ine your­self, your val­ues, and your love of self and by so doing you will strength­en your self-accep­tance. Then go to your part­ner or to your friend and calm­ly, lov­ing­ly and care­ful­ly explain what you have now come to under­stand about your­self. Share your new under­stand­ing of your­self and cre­ate a new space for you both to move into.

Remem­ber in any rela­tion­ship you are deal­ing with “Three”; there is “I”, there is “You”, and then there is the third there between you both, “We”. This third part must be pro­tect­ed, nur­tured and devel­op as you grow. Through greater under­stand­ing and accep­tance of each oth­er you release one anoth­er to cre­ate a new space for that “we”. Then, and only then, can you come togeth­er con­scious­ly, agree­ing to be bound to one anoth­er in mutu­al under­stand­ing, trust and love. Your rela­tion­ship can, nay must grow again; it must be the place to be more of what you each are than any­where else, for that is true love.

So, on this day of reck­on­ing, in this moment of rev­e­la­tion, turn and look with­in your­self and re-con­nect to the foun­tain-source of under­stand­ing, the source of true love, your soul.

Now turn and look upon your beloved and say those mag­i­cal words, “I love you”.

2 thoughts on “Venus Opposition Saturn (April 30, 2011)

  1. Charma

    This is so true for me right now. With Sat­urn in my 7th house for the last few years (cur­rent­ly oppos­ing my natal Sat­urn in 1st house Aries) — it feels a change must hap­pen. Thanks for writ­ing this.


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