Daily Archives: April 30, 2011

Mars Conjunct Jupiter (May 1, 2011)

Zoom!  Zoom!  Desire meets Truth and you are real­ly mov­ing for­ward now! You are filled with enthu­si­asm, ener­gy and dri­ve; your con­fi­dence cre­ates oppor­tu­ni­ties. Talk about a “Can Do” phi­los­o­phy; there is no hold­ing you back now! Go For It!

But… remem­ber before you take that giant leap to make sure you can see where you are land­ing! This is a con­junc­tion in Aries, and you would be wise to look up and out to see where you are head­ing, (or you might lit­er­al­ly bump your head). The exu­ber­ance you are expe­ri­enc­ing is real, but be care­ful that you don’t let it over­whelm you.

The answer is to let the won­der­ful ener­gy flow through you, inspire you, thrill you.…But then you need to use your aware­ness; you need to be “present”, and so con­scious­ly focus the ener­gy upon some activ­i­ty that is mean­ing­ful. The ener­gy is offered up, but you must choose how to use it!

You do not want to waste what the uni­verse is offer­ing to you now. Instead, be a “Focus­ing Lens” for right action; let your desires be guid­ed by the wis­dom of Jupiter. As you align your desires with Uni­ver­sal Truth the path to Right Action becomes clear.

Now… go for it!