Monthly Archives: May 2011

New Moon in Gemini — Solar Eclipse (June 1, 2011)

This is the sec­ond Solar Eclipse of the year. Here is what I wrote about this in my Overview for 2011:

The Solar Eclipse of June 1 her­alds a new series of lessons for us since it occurs in Gem­i­ni. The Lunar nodes are mov­ing from Cancer/Capricorn to Gemini/Sagittarius. Yes, that’s right, these points in space move “back­wards” through the Zodi­ac. They are estab­lished by two inter­sect­ing “spheres” formed from the orbital paths of the Earth around the Sun, and the Moon around the Earth. Where those two orbits inter­sect is the time, every 6 months, where the Sun, Moon and Earth line up with one anoth­er. This is what allows for there to be the phe­nom­e­non of the Moon’s shad­ow pass­ing across the Earth (Solar Eclipse), or the shad­ow of the Earth pass­ing across the Moon (Lunar Eclipse).

The June 1 Gem­i­ni Solar Eclipse is say­ing that in order to use this new release of ener­gy that comes at a New Moon, you will first have to go back and repair, cor­rect or fin­ish some aspect of your think­ing. Gem­i­ni rules intel­li­gence, but true intel­li­gence is found­ed upon crit­i­cal self-aware­ness. Just hav­ing the “right” answer does not make you spir­i­tu­al­ly intel­li­gent; the real issue is are you ask­ing the right question?

At a “nor­mal” New Moon you get a release of new mean­ing, a new dis­pen­sa­tion of ener­gy, to inspire and inform the next step in your con­tin­u­ing unfold­ment of spir­i­tu­al poten­tial. But dur­ing the Eclipse New Moon a shad­ow (the past) falls upon you. There is a need to work out some old karmic les­son before you can move for­ward. The shad­ow rep­re­sents some­thing hid­den; or a blind spot in your aware­ness that obscures the mes­sage of the New Moon.

One of the prin­ci­ple gifts of Gem­i­ni is in the adapt­abil­i­ty of your mind; you pos­sess a unique fac­ul­ty that allows, even encour­ages you to con­sid­er alter­nate points of view or per­spec­tives. But even so you devel­op pat­terns or habits of obser­va­tion, assess­ment and deter­mi­na­tion. You encounter an event, phe­nom­e­na or indi­vid­ual and “clas­si­fy and type” it or them. If this is done too often with­out being sub­ject to self-reex­am­i­na­tion, blind spots will devel­op. You will fail to see what is real­ly before you. You get stuck in your more lim­it­ed or biased point of view and errors will be made…You need a re-boot!

Think of the Eclipse as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to do just that. It is a very visu­al reminder that although you believe that you have per­ceived some­thing “tru­ly”, you have also, inevitably, fall­en into error because your per­cep­tions are limited…you have a “blind spot”.

You need to shift your per­spec­tive, chal­lenge your assump­tions and shine the light of your mind from anoth­er angle. Remem­ber, your point of view is like a very bright light illu­mi­nat­ing the mat­ter before you while also cre­at­ing a very strong shad­ow, (what you do not per­ceive). You need to move your mind/light to anoth­er angle so as to reduce the shadow.

Think of this New Moon as a new begin­ning in your way of observ­ing the world around you. Chal­lenge your­self to look at your life from a dif­fer­ent or alter­nate set of assump­tions. See what you might have been miss­ing; cel­e­brate some new dis­cov­ery or point of aware­ness. Ask a ques­tion; ask again, but from anoth­er point of view. And repeat.

Remem­ber, always approach your world with wonder…question every­thing! You will be amazed; you will be amazing.

Obama Pluto Trine Pluto (May 26, 2011)

Anoth­er of my com­ments for 2011 regard­ing Oba­ma’s Plu­to transit:

Plu­to was a great chal­lenge to Oba­ma in 2010, but what a dif­fer­ence a year makes. For 2011 and much of 2012 he will be under a most favor­able trine of his Plu­to by Plu­to. And this at a time when the USA is under­go­ing the Plu­to oppo­si­tion to Jupiter could pro­vide one of the means by which the US is able to make the most of that opposition.

Plu­to rules the willpow­er, which is the true source of our abil­i­ty to bring about self-change inter­nal­ly, and which also cre­ates our abil­i­ty to help bring about changes exter­nal­ly. While the US grap­ples with Plu­to oppos­ing its Jupiter, Oba­ma will be able to har­ness his own will pow­er, and by exten­sion, the will pow­er of the posi­tion his wields, the Pres­i­den­cy, to help bring about, what could be sig­nif­i­cant trans­for­ma­tions in the socio-eco­nom­ic-polit­i­cal order with­in our nation, and exter­nal­ly with oth­er nations. This is espe­cial­ly indi­cat­ed by the fact that Oba­ma’s Plu­to is in his 7th House of rela­tion­ships, and the tran­sit­ing Plu­to is mov­ing through his 11th House of social ideals.

What this might indi­cate is that Oba­ma’s abil­i­ty to be a re-builder, re-new­er, re-gen­er­a­tor of our forms of rela­tion­ship (Plu­to in the 7th house), will play out and be seen in 11th house mat­ters, which in a mun­dane analy­sis would be the nation’s ideals and dreams about the future as well as the Leg­isla­tive branch of government.

With a “divid­ed” gov­ern­ment, Oba­ma as chief exec­u­tive should be able to help bring about some con­crete actions to address some of the prob­lems the US is faced with now. With his Plu­to in Vir­go, and the tran­sit­ing Plu­to in Capri­corn, we are talk­ing about real, prac­ti­cal work­able solu­tions. Each side will have to sac­ri­fice part of its “agen­da” and dog­ma to get things done. Our con­sti­tu­tion, after all, is so arranged that coop­er­a­tion and mutu­al agree­ment are inte­gral to the polit­i­cal process, per­haps this year we will see it at work.

Pluto/Jupiter for the USA — Pluto/Pluto for Oba­ma
With the USA at the same time expe­ri­enc­ing the Plu­to oppo­si­tion Jupiter, Oba­ma’s tran­sit of Plu­to to Plu­to takes on much greater sig­nif­i­cance. The USA is prob­a­bly fac­ing a great strug­gle over prin­ci­ples this year; the strug­gle is over our prin­ci­ples of rela­tion­ship to one anoth­er inter­nal­ly and to oth­er nations exter­nal­ly; it is those prin­ci­ples that end up being enshrined in our laws and our treaties. Oba­ma’s tran­sit can pro­vide a coun­ter­point to the dichoto­my and strug­gle in the USA chart by the prac­ti­cal and respon­si­ble exer­cise of his lead­er­ship role. He can be a bridge between oppos­ing fac­tions and steer them toward some com­pro­mise over our rules of con­duct with one anoth­er, as he also helps to bring about new poli­cies in our inter­na­tion­al relationships.

Will he be able to keep the oppos­ing sides work­ing towards con­sen­sus and con­crete action? Plu­to would say yes. But to know that ful­ly we must look to the oth­er influ­ences mov­ing through his chart this year to see what else is in play on our stage of history.

Oba­ma’s Transits

Sun Sextile Uranus (May 25, 2011)

You are unique…you are special…there is only one of you…

Now you need to express some of that excep­tion­al essence. The Sun rules your “self”; it is your pure poten­tial wait­ing to be man­i­fest­ed. Uranus rules your indi­vid­u­al­i­ty; it is your capac­i­ty to express your­self in incom­pa­ra­ble ways. Their com­bi­na­tion urges you to move beyond the ordi­nary and stretch; let your sparkle show today.

The rou­tine, accept­ed, every­day way will not make it today; try some­thing new, dis­cov­er a dif­fer­ent approach and renew your appre­ci­a­tion for the world around you. Then turn that around and acknowl­edge some­thing spe­cial in some­one else too…and repeat.

Amaze oth­ers, sur­prise yourself.

Venus Conjunct Mars (May 23, 2011)

Well, you had bet­ter have roman­tic plans for today! When the God­dess of Love meets with the God of Desire, well let’s just say this Uni­verse exists because it too desired to meet its beloved.

Venus rules val­ue. The mea­sure of val­ue in the world for you is to be found with­in your­self in your hier­ar­chy of val­ues. This hier­ar­chy is based upon and cre­at­ed by that one spe­cial val­ue, the core val­ue known as your self-worth, the val­ue you have of your­self. And, this is fun­da­men­tal­ly and quite sim­ply cre­at­ed by one truth, from your love of your “self”, the first beloved. That love is there and uncon­di­tion­al because at the core of your “self” is a spark of the divine, which makes you and all of cre­ation part of one great Life-Consciousness-Spirit. 

This is the true source of all val­ue and love in this uni­verse; that all of cre­ation springs from one Spir­i­tu­al source, and so all are held togeth­er in this expe­ri­ence of being one of the count­less man­i­fes­ta­tions of that one Great Spir­it. You, and I and all of cre­ation are sparks of this one great Divine Light. We are all relat­ed, all held togeth­er by our love which springs from our being ones of the One.

Mars rules Desire. You and I and all of cre­ation “are” because Spir­it desired to be, it wished to become man­i­fest. From the one Spark of the Divine, the count­less sparks went forth to evolve into and through this Uni­verse. Through all the ages, through all the forms of man­i­fes­ta­tion, you and I encounter one anoth­er and experience…recognition. We smile, we draw close and expe­ri­ence that we are ones of the One. You love one anoth­er because you are one another.

So cel­e­brate today when what you want is there for you. Today Love meets Desire and mag­ic will hap­pen. Love your­self, love another…and smile.

Sun Square Neptune (May 22, 2011)

Dream­ing dreams, slip­ping through the bound­aries with­in and with­out; this is most cer­tain­ly not a time of cer­tain­ty! But it is a won­drous time for Creativity!

The Sun rules your­self; it is the source of all your poten­tial­i­ties. Nep­tune rules your dreams; it is the pow­er that dis­solves your real­i­ty in order to show you a greater one. With the Sun mov­ing through the log­i­cal, rea­son­able and ratio­nal sign of Gem­i­ni, Nep­tune’s Square from the mys­ti­cal sign of Pisces is a chal­lenge. That is what squares are for; you have to find a way to inte­grate two seem­ing­ly dis­parate energies.

While the Sun is in Gem­i­ni, rea­son rules the day. You seek to under­stand what­ev­er is before you and place it into a log­i­cal struc­ture of thought. You need to name, cat­e­go­rize and build your world of facts. It is so com­fort­ing to know your world.

Now along comes Nep­tune singing her siren song, of mys­te­ri­ous depths, of cas­tles in the sky, of wheels with­in wheels.…what is real­ly real any­way, she sings, and you real­ize that things are not as they seemed. You become uncer­tain, confused…which is exact­ly what you need.

Cer­tain­ty is over-rat­ed; cer­tain­ty is an illu­sion. Nep­tune shows you that there are many real­i­ties, many lay­ers to your world, and would­n’t you like to play in a more won­drous world? Of course you would, but leaps of faith are, well they are leaps.

Nep­tune reminds you that the core of your spir­it, of your nev­er-end­ing growth is your dream­ing mind. You are becom­ing more than you were, you are unfold­ing your poten­tials from with­in your­self, and the key to this is your imagination.

So, do not wor­ry about your confusion…it is only a pas­sage, a means to the way to your greater spir­i­tu­al awak­en­ing. You are becom­ing more than you can imagine…now leap!